Friday, April 09, 2010

Point of no Return

Man drives to jail drunk
to serve two day sentence
for drunk driving.

I think we may have reached the point of no return. Forget any hope of bipartisanship, Republicans have now established themselves as living in an alternative world completely, and are being aided by our corporate owned MSM. When Silly Sarah is given time to criticize President Obama on nuclear matters you might surmise that we have passed the point of sanity entirely. When Liz Cheney is given a microphone to claim that President Obama is destroying our country because he is willing to talk with Muslims you know that reason has been abandoned. And when Newt Gingrich, the great pontificator, who some time ago established his credentials as probably the worst hypocrite that ever lived, claims Obama is a radical, you know that his brain has turned to pig pucky, and he and his supporters (if there are any) are living in an alternative world where intelligence, reason, and truth have no place. When Governor Pawlenty, with delusions of being Presidential, supports Michelle Bachmann, I suspect the line of sanity has been irrevocably breeched. When John McCain claims he never said he was a maverick…well, you know, senility comes to some earlier than others. And these are presumably all leaders of the Republican Party, I haven’t even mentioned the total insanity of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter, and other ultra-right wingers that daily spread their hate and lies and also speak for the Republican Party. What these individuals are doing has now gone so far as to preclude any possibility of bipartisanship for the benefit of our country. The point of no return has now been passed, there is no way the two parties can ever again come together and act as a responsible government. The Republicans have so demonized Obama as a Black, foreign-born, Muslim communist anti-Christ there is no way they can now admit they are wrong. This is now truly a battle between what might rightly be described as good and evil and one side or the other simply has to go. This is no longer an argument between two competing points of view, two philosophies of government, two opponents who at least respect one another, two different ways of governing, two thoughtful positions on a few different issues, it has become obvious that one side is no longer, shall I say, entirely compos mentis.

Listening to the babble that now comes out of the mouths of Republicans reminds me of visiting an insane asylum. Their words have lost all meaningful connection with reality. I suppose you might argue they are not truly insane because they are just trying to destroy the Obama administration no matter what it attempts to do, but their means of doing it are so outrageously dishonest and divorced from the facts, they might as well be certifiably insane. I guess that Obama’s desire to extend medical care to all is pretty radical from the Republican point of view. They would obviously prefer to allow some 45,000 a year die from lack of medical care. Attempting to stimulate the economy is also radical if you prefer to see a depression to insure that cheap labor might get even cheaper. Signing a nuclear pact with Russia is petty radical if you prefer to maintain and use nuclear weapons to achieve your goals of world domination. Even pro-choice is pretty radical if you prefer people to be forced to have babies they don’t want who can then be abused, abandoned and die as children. The truth is, Republicans believe anything that attempts to help ordinary working people is radical. In a way this has always been true of Republicans, but seldom before has it reached such a level of passionate and unremitting intensity. Contemporary Republicans would apparently rather see our nation destroyed than give one penny to anyone in need or cooperate with Democrats. And they refuse to compromise, preferring to boast of being the party of “no.”

This absolute refusal to cooperate is now going to play out with respect to the replacement for Supreme Court Justice Douglas who has announced his retirement at the end of this term. Republicans like Orin Hatch and John Kyl are already threatening to filibuster Obama’s nominee, even though there is no nominee as yet. They can’t even extend Obama the courtesy of waiting until he actually nominates someone before threatening to oppose him or her. I guess if you are as bonkers as they are you might consider this an example of responsible government. Republican extremism has now forced them into a position from which they cannot escape, short of making an abject apology to the citizens of the U.S. for their totally irresponsible and uncooperative behavior up until now. As this is highly unlikely the situation will continue as it is with not even the possibility of compromise or bipartisanship. This certainly does not bode well for the immediate future of our country and possibly for a much longer time to come.

The corporate MSM bears much of the responsibility for this terrible situation. They give air time and a platform to people who ought to be ignored as irresponsible, lying, hypocritical, and dishonest. Do you remember anytime, anytime at all, when the MSM challenged the virtually pathological lying of Bush and Cheney, or Rumsfeld or Rice? All of them lied so routinely it became impossible to believe anything you heard. You could not separate the lies from the truth because there never was any truth at all.

There is now sworn testimony from Wilkerson that Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld were aware that hundreds of individuals interned in Guantanamo were completely innocent but did nothing about it, an absolutely horrendous crime. Do you think Obama and Holder will do anything about it? They won’t, but how can they in good conscience not?

All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.
James Thurber

The orchid family is the largest family of flowering plants.

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