Saturday, April 24, 2010


Pennsylvania High School Teacher
will stand trial for offering extra
credit to girls for licking his fingers.

We all know about DWB, driving while black. Now in Arizona expect DWH, driving while Hispanic. It will be even worse, WWH, walking while Hispanic, SWH, sitting while Hispanic, and probably LWH, lying down while Hispanic. It will eventually come down to BWH, being while Hispanic. What a ridiculous law for Arizona to have passed. As in principle it relates to suspicion of anyone, not just Hispanics, you might say it is a law against just existing at all (without everyone carrying papers at all times), except that we all know that ordinary white people are not going to be targeted. Does this law mean that President Obama cannot visit Arizona without being challenged? We already know there are many people there, and no doubt police officers, who already suspect Obama is not a citizen. Will he be required to show papers? Oh, yeah, his birth certificate. What happens if Obama runs for a second term and refuses to produce his birth certificate? Will Arizona have a different President of the U.S.? Does this absurd law (now also apparently passed in Georgia) actually symbolize secession from the Union? How else might one interpret it as it obviously makes no sense whatsoever if it is not a form of secession? I suspect this law will be declared unconstitutional, at least I hope so. But on the other hand it could prove to be a lot of fun watching Arizona trying to squirm out of it. I trust the Federal Government will cut off all funding to Arizona. Why should they give money to a state that doesn’t recognize Federal Law?

I guess the only positive thing one might say about Arizona’s attempt to override Federal Law is that it might, at last, force the Federal Government to finally do something about illegal immigration. There is no doubt the fault lies with the Feds, having done nothing for such a long time. Of course for them to have done anything would have required them to punish corporations for hiring illegals, but who would have dared such a thing? After all, we’re a capitalistic country, corporations need cheap labor, cheap labor can be allowed to sneak in from Mexico and other Central American countries almost at will, and are a necessity to guarantee maximum profits. Ah, profit, what a glorious concept! And capitalism, free markets with no regulations, what paradise! Surplus people, let ‘em starve in slums around the world, there’s plenty of room there where hunger, pain, poor nutrition, and lack of health care will take care of the problem. And anyway, it’s their own fault for being poor.

Can Obama and his administration, even with majorities in both the House and Senate, come up with a decent solution to the problem of illegal immigration (again, not a problem they created, but another one they inherited)? Will the party of NO decide to cooperate? Unlikely, if only because their ties to the corporate world are so unbreakable, and the current hatred of Obama so intense. If Obama can actually do something useful here he will be, indeed, a miracle worker. Not everyone will be pleased no matter what solution is offered. These might be interesting times if we were not so aware they may well be penultimate. The Nightmare Years of the beginning of the 21st century may well have ushered in the beginning of the end, almost certainly for the U.S. as we have known it, and perhaps even for the world. It is not at all obvious or certain that global warming, massive pollution, or possible nuclear explosions will wait for immigration reform, economic recovery, or Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s all Dustin Hoffman’s fault. If only he had not listened to that one word of advice he received at his graduation – “plastics.”

It came to Mr. Blood, as he trudged forward under the laden apple-trees on that fragrant, delicious July morning, that man—as he had long suspected—was the vilest work of God, and that only a fool would set himself up as a healer of a species that was best exterminated." Rafael Sabatini (Captain Blood)

Wild ocean perch fillets cook a tad faster than you think.

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