Friday, July 10, 2009

What difference does it make?

Drunk Florida woman undercooks
potatoes, burns bread, assaults elderly
live-in companion for complaining.

It has now been established that it was George W. Bush himself that ordered Gonzales to visit Ashcroft’s hospital room, while he was recovering from surgery, and insist that Ashcroft sign a statement that he had already refused to sign on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. Much to Ashcroft’s credit he still refused to sign it. This was a blatant attempt to circumvent the law by authorizing something that was illegal. But knowing this, I am tempted to ask, what difference does it make? Apparently no one is going to do anything about it anyway. No one is going to try to hold Bush accountable. I heard it said today by one analyst (I forget who) that the reason the Obama administration will not go forward with an investigation of the Bush/Cheney war crimes is because they know if they do so it will inevitably lead to Bush and no Democrat wants to go after Bush. What a terrific argument! We won’t arrest any minor drug dealers, or even more important ones, because it might lead us to the Drug Lord himself. If this is not a classic example of moral bankruptcy I wouldn’t know what is. Even without this new information there is a mountain of evidence of the war crimes of Bush/Cheney and their minions, evidence that just goes ignored by the Obama administration. They apparently believe that if they do nothing the public will soon enough forget about the terrible deeds that can be directly traced to Bush/Cheney.

Most probably nothing will come of the recent revelations that the CIA has been misleading Congress for years, not even this recent revelation that the CIA has been involved in some program about which Congress was never informed and was apparently so illegal and/or unconstitutional that Panetta immediately stopped it once he learned of it. We won’t learn what it was because it is all super hush-hush and all that. I must say that I am not in the least bit surprised that the CIA has been less than forthcoming about their activities, or that they have been engaged in programs that are probably grossly illegal. They have always been super-secret and have gone unsupervised for so long as to have become a nation to themselves. I’m pretty sure that Panetta’s assurances that they won’t do such things anymore will just be accepted by the Congress and that will be that. So, again, what difference does it make?

Levi whats-his-face, who was once to become Sarah Palin’s son-in-law, has said that the reason Palin resigned is because she wants to get rich off book deals and speaking engagements. In other words, she wants to grab the money and run. Of all the excuses I have heard so far this one makes the most sense. She wants to cash in on her 15 minutes of fame, so to speak, and must know that she realistically has no chance of ever becoming President (or most anything else). Those who say Palin is finished in politics I believe have it right. Aside from the small but passionate following she has, no one else is going to support her or vote for her, not right-minded Republicans (if there are any), certainly not any Democrats, and also no Independents. With her pitiful following of gun and religious nuts she can go nowhere. Too bad, I would have liked to see her try to run, there isn’t really much in the way of amusement these days. I doubt that even the Republican Party, as loony as it has become, will have the gall to try to run Gingrich, which would also be amusing, and I doubt they will run the comedian, Huckabee, which probably means it will be Romney, the lying Mormon. Unless something exceptionally strange happens I doubt it matters much who they run. Of course predictions of what might happen in U.S. politics are pretty questionable. How long ago was it that everyone predicted Hillary would walk away with the nomination? But I still think it will be Romney, if only by default.

Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them.
Paul Valery

Marmots are highly social animals and communicate by whistling.

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