Monday, July 20, 2009

Please, don't make me laugh

Three nuns arrested for
driving 120 miles per hour
on their way to see Pope.

Please don’t make me laugh. Our Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, has announced that if progress can’t be made in Afghanistan by the end of the year, the American public will stop supporting the “war” there. Progress? In Afghanistan? In a year? If that isn’t the silliest thing I’ve heard in a long time I guess I wouldn’t recognize silly when I see it. Hey, Gates, how about 100 years, maybe more? Now he plans to send another 22,000 troops there. I wonder when we’ll reach the number we had in Vietnam? I wonder where he plans to get these troops? Anyway, this whole Afghanistan business is laughable, or would be if we weren’t losing so many of our young people there, completely wasting their time. There has never been any doubt in my mind from the very beginning of Obama’s vow to send more troops to Afghanistan that it would turn out to be his Vietnam, and it is. Doesn’t it make you wonder how such presumably intelligent people can be so wrong for so long? Maybe not, after the Vietnam debacle.

Another development that would be laughable if it were not so tragic is the fact that a small number of Democratic Congresspersons are threatening to deny health insurance to some 50 million people, men, women, and children. Think of that. Fifty million people are a lot, or at least they used to be before we discovered the magic words billion and trillion. Anyway, can you believe these people who would deny health care to so many millions just because they are being paid money to do so by those who have a vested interest in keeping the system as dysfunctional as it is. Now that’s what I call real public service.

And can you believe that another Republican in Congress actually said publicly that if they could defeat Obama on health care it would be his waterloo and he would be finished? I guess he, too, is vitally interested in doing his best for the public well-being. This would have to be seen as so stupid as to be laughable, but again it is serious politics for these greedy, short-sighted, selfish, nincompoops who call themselves Republicans. Michael Steele, Republican party chairman, helped out by accusing Obama of a “dangerous experiment” with our lives, on, of course, his road to socialism. When questioned about details of the proposed legislation Steele had to admit he didn’t really know anything about it. Is that not laughable? Of course it is also pathetic. I’m absolutely convinced these Republicans must be totally unaware of their stupidity. I have always believed that George W. Bush was marginally retarded, now I believe this is true of Republicans in general. They certainly did nothing during the Sotomayor hearings to disabuse me of this belief, and their behavior with respect to health care is just more reinforcement.

The MSM continues on in its own laughable interpretation of what is news. David Schuster, when talking about health care and other important topics had to insert a segment on Paula whats-her-face, who has something-or-other to do with American Idol. I think it had to do with how much money she was holding out for in her new contract. Now that is real news, right up there with health care, the economy, the “wars,” I guess the daily segment on Michael Jackson wasn’t available at the time, or perhaps there wasn’t a car chase going on somewhere in Podunk.
Finally, for the moment, what could be more laughable than the “birthers.” These “true believers” are convinced that Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore is not our legitimate President. Even though Obama’s birth certificate has been made available, and even though its legitimacy has been verified by the state of Hawaii, and even though there is no credible evidence to the contrary, these conspiracy freaks still refuse to believe it. This would be completely laughable except for the fact that no less than Lou Dobbs himself has lent some credence to it, and there are said to be at least ten Congresspersons who are also moving in that direction. I suspect the phrase “get a life” was created for just such people. Not to worry, there is probably no belief on earth so far-fetched that someone won’t believe it. Some people even believe that Sarah Palin is a serious candidate for the Presidency. Now that’s a truly far-out belief. Putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it a chorus girl.

The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand.
Richard Feynman

Bonobos have been observed to engage in cannibalism in captivity.

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