Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What cow?

You all no doubt remember the story of the man who was caught leading an obviously stolen cow down the road. When he was caught red-handed and asked why he was doing it, he responded, "what cow?" There are many different versions of this story, including one I believe in which Jimmy Durante was caught with an elephant and responded "what elephant,", and so on.

Is this not the perfect description of Alberto Gonzales's claim that the firing of eight U.S prosecutors was not politically motivated? This is such a blatantly transparent lie it is difficult not to collapse in hysterical laughter. Bush, of course, in his abysmal ignorance, has already said he has the utmost confidence in Gonzales. Gonzales's rise to power and eminence is a direct result of his faithful service to Bush ever since he was Governor of Texas. As Attorney General of the United States he still obviously feels his primary allegiance is to Bush rather than to the citizens of the U.S. He has an unfortunately small mind that is willing to justify torture and sacrifice the Constitution if that is what George W. Bush wishes. If this were a decent Administration (which, of course, it is not) Gonzales would be fired tomorrow. He will not resign and Bush is unlikely to fire him unless the Congress put so much pressure on there will be no other option. If the pressure keeps on look for Gonzales to be toast. With both the FBI violations of the Patriot Act and the firing of these Prosecutors emerging at the same moment I cannot see Gonzales surviving for very long. But, then both Bush and Cheney have survived far more egregious violations for the past six and a half years so who knows? There is only one solution to these problems. It is called IMPEACHMENT! And it should happen NOW!

As far as I know, no outside power has ever managed to conquer Afghanistan, including the mighty Russian army not many years ago. So what makes the U.S. or the U.N. believe they will succeed when so many have so predictably failed? Perhaps if the only goal is to protect an oil pipeline across Afghan territory or some less ambitious project we might succeed for a while but probably not without some substantial human cost. Oh well, oil is important. Human lives are expendable. Let's show these towel-heads who controls what. On to Tehran!

Both Hillary and Biden gave particularly impassioned speeches to the assembled Firefighters of America. Guiliani was absent (he claimed a conflict). Kucinich was not even mentioned. Was he there? Did he give a speech? Does he actually exist? The MSM treatment of Dennis Kucinich is SHAMEFUL! But, then, who cares about PEACE?

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