Friday, March 16, 2007

Incompetence beyond belief

How can you top this when it comes to incompetence? The Bush/Cheney administration couldn't even do something they legally could have done without screwing it up so badly they have turned it into still another scandal. The eight attorneys they recently fired all served at the pleasure of the President. As such they could simply be replaced by the President, no explanation needed. So they fired them "out of season," so to speak. When asked about it did they say the President simply wanted them replaced which they could easily have done? No, they had to lie about it. First they claimed they were fired for bad performance. This was immediately shown to be false by looking at their own ratings of the attorneys involved which were all positive. Then Alberto claimed he didn't know anything about it. False. Then they said it was all Myers idea. False. Then they said Rove had nothing to do with it. False. Then they claimed there was nothing political involved in the firings. Doubly false. First of all these kinds of appointments are instrinsically political to begin with. Second, there were blatantly political reasons involved (either the people involved were not investigating Democrats quickly enough or they were targeting Republicans). Now they argue that well, Clinton fired all 93 such attorneys when he became President. True. But irrelevant to the issue at hand. These were people the Republicans appointed themselves but then learned they weren't following the Bush/Cheney/Rove desires closely enough. In short, they were obviously politically motivated firings. So something that could have been done legally (however quietly) was turned into a scandal. Why? Because these guys simply cannot tell the truth even when the truth would have worked. They seem to be completely unable to tell the truth. Somehow they have to lie. Their lying is pathological and has been from the very beginning of this administration. Now, having lied to the point where they have no credibility whatsoever they just go on lying about everything.

None of this seems to really bother the Democrats. Oh, yeah, they love it, and they will push it as far as they can to embarrass the Republicans. BUT THEY WON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Gonzales may be forced to resign but if so it will be a result of Republican demands as much as Democratic ones. It is obvious that we can't depend on Bush to do anything. Bush, who threatened to fire anyone involved in leaking still protects Rove who is known to have been a leaker. He has said he will stand by Gonzales even though everyone knows he is a totally incompetent and partisan lawyer for Bush rather than a bona fide Attorney General. Bush has consistently favored loyalty over competence, one of the reasons we are in this dismal situation. Heck of a job Brownie! Heck of job Rumsfeld! Heck of a job Cheney! Heck of a job Tenet! Heck of a job Libby! Heck of a job Bremer! HECK OF A JOB BUSH!

There is apparently no incompetence, no crime, no dishonesty, no hypocrisy, no deceit, no unconstitutional outrage serious enough to motivate Democrats to actually take some meaningful action to stop it all (like impeachment, to say the least). So kiss your Democracy (Republic) goodbye, get ready for your national ID card, and prepare for your mandatory tattoo (it won't hurt a bit).

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