Saturday, March 24, 2007

Heil Bush

Bush has now taken to telling the Congress what they can do. That is, interview Rove and others only informally, in private, not under oath, and with no transcript of the interviews. He says this is a generous offer. Who does he think he is (unfortunately, we know who he thinks he is - The King of Everything). Congress has already refused this generous offer (thank goodness) so the question now is, will the Democrats actually serve subpoenas and will those who receive them honor them or refuse. If they refuse they can be held in contempt of Congress. There is no way Bush can win on this (short of another Supreme Court unconstitutional ruling). Executive priviledge only applies to conversations with the President, not to conversations between others in the White House. Thus if Rove spoke with Gonzales and Meiers spoke with either of them, and so on, that would not be covered by excecutive priviledge. Bush claims he had no knowledge of, or participation in this scandal. If that is true the claim of executive priviledge is just nonsense. This doesn't mean that Bush and his lawyers can't tie this up in court for the next 18 months until he leaves office which is no doubt what he intends, just as he intends to continue his illegal "war" until he is out of office. This is all so obvious and so pathetic it makes you want to just throw up your hands and say to hell with it. It's like trying to explain evolution to someone who believes in the literal truth of the bible.

What can you make of Republicans who continue to support Bush? They keep talking of "winning" and "victory" and "progress" in Iraq when anyone with a brain larger than a split pea knows full well that it is nothing but hot air. We have already lost in Iraq (and in Afghanistan, for that matter) unless we are prepared to reinstitute a draft, mobilize a million or more troops, start rationing things, and collecting paper and grease. Continuing this "war" is even more unconscionable than starting it in the first place. This whole enterprise has been the worst foreign policy disaster of all time. What would you expect when you make a near-moron Commander-in-Chief?

Now we have a situation in which Bush/Cheney have engineered the crime of the century and the outrage is not directed at the crime but only at the fact that they didn't do it well enough. They are incompetents, not just plain honest to goodness war criminals. I find this unbelievable. I find it unbelievable they have not been impeached and/or charged with war crimes or both. It's like saying, we know they're murderers and rapists, but let them continue until their time eventually runs out. As far as I am concerned this is a Republican problem. They could have stopped this attempt to establish a monarchy a long time ago. They could have insisted on checks and balances. They could have said no to Bush/Cheney's outrages. But they all seem to have bought in to Rove's attempt to establish a permanent Republican monarchy no matter what devious means were employed to bring it about. Having ravished the Constitution for the past six and a half years, having exercised their complete control over our government, having thumbed their nose at Democrats and the public, these creeps now are pathetically calling for bi-partisanship. All of their sins are catching up with them. They seem to be unaware that Bush/Cheney have destroyed the Republican party along with our military in their mad rush to empire.

It seems to me it is perfectly obvious what is involved in the firing of the eight prosecutors. It is equally obvious that Gonzales and others have lied about it. Serial, pathological lying by Republicans seems to be completely acceptable. Our current Republican politicians are the worst hypocrites ever. Send 'em all to Iraq as soon as possible. They don't need any training or armor. We'll take good care of them when they come back broken in body and mind. Support the troops - BRING THEM HOME!

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

Shocking, yes shocking it is that any President would claim "executive privilege" for his staff!