Monday, November 20, 2006

Things are going well

"Deaths soar in Iraq: Bloody Sunday caps 8 days of unrelenting carnage." The Headline on the front page of The Spokesman Review, November 20th, 2006. I take this to mean that "all in all things are going well." Doesn't this also indicate pretty clearly that we are winning? Dick Cheney is insane. I can see no other explanation for his claims that we are "winning" in Iraq. And his insistence that we bomb Iran is clearly insane. Our own CIA has now announced that Iran does not have a nuclear bomb program. Cheney will not accept this and will no doubt have his fake intelligence agency contradict the CIA. I repeat, he is insane. To attack and bomb Iran under the present circumstances (or even ever) is truly insane.

I am not certain that Bush himself is insane. I think he is just marginally retarded and does what he is told. He has learned to read his speeches pretty well, even though I doubt he understands a single word of what he is saying. In fact, I doubt he even tries to understand them. As far as I know he raises no crops or animals on his pig farm. So why does he cut brush? Could it be just for the cameras?

Glen Beck is an absolute idiot. Nancy Grace is pretty terrible. The only way CNN could make their evening programming any worse would be to hire Tucker Carlson (whose graduation into ordinary neckties seems to have done nothing for his IQ). I no longer watch CNN, not even for the market report. I urge you to do the same.

I just read Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris. An absolutely terrific book that exposes Christianity, and all other organized religions, for the horrific institutions they truly are. I was particulary taken by the following quote:

“It is terrible that we all die and lose everything we love, it is doubly terrible that so many human beings suffer needlessly while alive. That so much of this suffering can be directly attributed to religion – to religious hatreds, religious wars, religious taboos, and religious diversions of scarce resources – is what makes the honest criticism of religious faith a moral and intellectual necessity. Unfortunately, expressing such criticism places the nonbeliever at the margins of society. By merely being in touch with reality, he appears shamefully out of touch with the fantasy life of his neighbors.”

This is pretty much what living in Idaho is like.

James Carville, pimp for Hillary Clinton, tried to take down Howard Dean, and failed miserably. Even Hillary herself refused to get on board. No doubt he will find solace in the arms of his wife, Mary Matalan, who pimps for Cheney. If these two had any seriously held political beliefs they could not possibly stay married (and would not have married in the first place). For them, it's just another day at the office and they will always be on the winning side.

If the MSM have their way the incoming Democratic administration will be discredited and destroyed before they even take office. We cannot let them get away with this politicide. Just believe the exact opposite of whatever they say and it will help immeasurably.

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