Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bill Sali, New York's man in Idaho

Bill Sali, running against Democrat Larry Grant, has received somewhere in the vicinity of a million dollars from a New York multimillionaire who is promoting Proposition 2. Without this overwhelming support from out of state money Sali would be nothing but a bad joke. With it he is even a worse bad joke. For the most part Sali's own party has repudiated him. He has been described by them as belligerent, uncooperative, and idiotic. Sali keeps insisting there is a relationship between abortion and breast cancer. There is no evidence whatsoever that this is so. Even women who have had surgery for this problem are asking him to cease and desist in this claim. He is obsessively anti-abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. He wants to retain Bush's tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy. He also would like to close our borders, make felons of all illegal immigrants and ship them all back to where they came from (and idea so impractical as to be laughable). He supports Bush/Cheney's hopeless "war" in Iraq and their absurd claim that we are "winning." To date he has refused to say whether he supports Proposition 2 or not, claiming he has not made up his mind. As virtually everyone in the state of Idaho, including his own party, has come out against this nonsensical "takings" legislation, it is difficult to see why he could not have made up his mind. Of course if he endorses it he pleases his ultra-right donors but will be out of sync with his own party. If he doesn't endorse it he will alienate his wealthy New York financial supporters. I guess he thinks he can just stonewall this until after the election. But tell me, why would anyone in Idaho support this ultra-rightist candidate who received virtually all of his support from an out-of-state millionaire in New York? I don't know precisely what scam these people have in mind but you can be certain they do not have the best interest of Idaho at heart. And why is Dick Cheney here plugging for Sali when there are much more important Senate races in jeopardy? Could it be Idaho is about the only state that wouldn't just laugh him out of the podium? And watch out, he's going hunting again, this time in South Dakota. I assume he going this time for pheasants, those big, bulky, slow-moving birds that are relatively easy to kill. Pen raised pheasants are even easier. I bet he'll kill sixty or more even before the martini hour. He's a real sportsman.

One might think that with a million dollars to spend on ads they would try to emphasize Sali's strong points. As he has none they are spending their money attacking Larry Grant. The Republicans are so desperate to maintain their majority in the House they are backing Sali overwhelmingly even though, like Foley, he is about as unattractive candidate as one could find. They wouldn't care if he was a sack of pig pucky as long as he would rubber stamp this dismal Bush/Cheney administration's attack on our Constitution and personal liberties. Need I remind you - VOTE DEMOCRATIC!!!

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