Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Can reality be denied?

A very interesting confrontation is beginning to take form. As you may know, Al Gore is touring the country with a documentary called An Inconvenient Truth. This is, I am told, a fine discussion of global warming (I have not yet seen it). Big Oil, however, is paying big bucks to something called The Competitive (Comparative?) Enterprise Institute to produce at least two ads suggesting that Gore and others are merely alarmists and there really is no global warming. As every respectable scientist in the world believes human activity is, in fact, causing the dangerous warming of the planet, it will be interesting to see if the oil giants manage to totally contradict reality. The fact that they are even trying is shameless beyond belief. This is not a case in which people are arguing which is the best way to cut up a chicken. This is a serious business which will affect everyone living on this little planet of ours. The oil barons apparently don't care what happens to us eventually as long as they can continue to make their obscene profits (I guess they think they can take them along on the rapture). Al Gore should have been our President in 2000. Does anyone really think we'd be in this complete mess if justice had prevailed? Only in America, I think, could the most qualified person ever running for President be passed over for an utter fool.

Former Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, also former head of NSA, has come out and said there is no legal justification for what Bush/Cheney are doing with respect to illegally spying on American citizens. Interesting that no one seems to be much concerned about it. Democrats are just as bad or worse when it comes to such things. We seem to have developed an entire race of do-nothing Representatives and Senators. Oh, wrong, the Senate did something. They voted for the most stupid quick fix for the immigration problem they could find. Build a big fence (they probably won't fund it so perhaps it doesn't matter). I can only repeat: INCUMBENTS OUT! No matter who replaces them it can't possibly be as bad as it is now.

There is a documentary out called Bagdad E.R. Excerpts were shown on Democracy Now. I confess I cannot watch it. I tried but there is no way I will watch it. The Pentagon, which apparently gave it its blessing initially has now come out against it. They fear it will cause veterans to relapse into post-traumatic stress and even make people not want to serve at all. Wouldn't the latter be a blessing? It just makes me sick and more opposed to Bush/Cheney and their horrific "war" than ever. I sincerely hope I can live long enough to see them pay the consequences for their unbelievable murderous reign. I cannot understand how they can sleep at night. They clearly lack some basic human qualities that most other people have - like empathy, compassion, reason, decency, conscience, shame, guilt, and so on.

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