Saturday, January 15, 2005

Bush is a liar

I know that for most of you it will not come as a surprise that George W. Bush is a liar, especially as it appears he has never told the truth about anything at all during his “Presidency.” Up until now the media has always let him get away with it, given the fact that the major media seem to be part of the Administration. And, of course, he has been able to say that although no WMD’s were found, they actually believed they existed and therefore they weren’t actually lying. But he should not be allowed to get away with his blatant lying when it comes to Social Security. Unless he is gullible and stupid beyond the belief of mere mortals he has to know that what he is saying about Social Security is simply untrue. It is absolutely, positively, the case that Social Security is not about to go bankrupt, and certainly not in the near future. He has to know this. But he says it just the same. What does that mean? It means he is LYING. He is a LIAR. Not only is he a liar, he is a deliberate liar. So let us not hear anyone argue that Bush is wrong about Social Security, let us hear the truth. He is LYING about it. He is a LIAR. Let everyone know, Bush is not merely stretching the truth, he is an out and out liar. It doesn’t even matter what eventually happens to Social Security reform, at the moment Bush is lying about it. I guess the only lies that matter to Republicans are those that have to do with private consenting sexual matters between adults.

Let me here go on record saying that I am absolutely, totally, irrevocably opposed to torture in any form whatsoever at any time or in any place. If the Senate and House and Executive Branch want to approve of torture, as it appears they will, I want it made clear that I do not approve of this and do not want to be held responsible for it in any way. If Gonzales is confirmed I believe this means that the Senate approves of torture. And not only that, they apparently approve that the President has dictatorial powers. I believe this is absolutely wrong, unconstitutionally wrong, legally wrong, morally wrong, and the most blatant violation of everything that is honest and decent in human affairs. Gonzales, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfowitz, Perle, Rice, etc., are war criminals and should eventually be held responsible for their crimes against humanity. And please, don’t tell me we are bringing democracy to the Middle East. I would much prefer to hear about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, to say nothing of the Tooth Fairy.

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

There are lies of commission and lies of omission and Bush is guilty of both. I also agree that if the Senate confirms the nomination of Gonzales to be Atty General, they have indeed approved of torture, hit squads, and given Bush dictatorial power. More than half the citizens voting have also agreed to the above. And now I'm very unpleasantly surprised to see, in the NY Times online tonight that Paul O'Neill is agreeing with BushCo regarding Social Security. PNAC people are steadily marching toward their goal. This takeover was planned a long time ago, and planned well. Law is both ignored and broken or changed at their will. As a nation, we are in serious trouble. I wonder just how long it will take before, in their lust for greed and power, it will take to realize they are in the process of cutting their own throats. Just how long before other nations develop coalitions to stand against us. Unless we handle this and stop them, someone else will. Just a matter of time.