Friday, December 10, 2004

Pathetic old fool

Donald Rumsfeld’s attempt to give a pep talk to the troops in Kuwait turned out to be an utter disaster. After a few serious questions from the troops he was finally exposed as the doddering old fool that he really is. As to the lack of armor for vehicles in Iraq he said they are stepping up production. Why are they stepping up production three years too late? As to the stop release program he suggested that was just part of army regulations (they didn’t read the small print). As he was pressed further he basically said he was an old man and they shouldn’t be picking on him. To describe this performance as pathetic would be far too generous. What word is there to go beyond pathetic? Even dismal doesn’t come close. Obscene, maybe.

Rumsfeld has been wrong about everything. He was wrong about the presence of WMD’s in Iraq. He was wrong about the relationship between Hussein and bin Laden, he was wrong about how many troops it would take, wrong about how they would be received, wrong about how much it would cost, wrong about how much equipment would be needed, wrong, in short, about everything. Bush thinks he has been marvelous and is going to retain him as Secretary of Defense. How can he do otherwise? Rumsfeld is regarded as a war criminal by virtually everyone in the world except for some totally ignorant nuts in the red states. For Bush/Cheney to fire him would be to admit that they, too, are war criminals, along with the rest of the neocon’s.

What the Bush/Cheney Administration has done in Iraq is the greatest war crime since the Nazi terrorism of Europe. It has brought shame on the United States and made us the laughingstock of the world. How could 59,000,000 million people be so dumb? How, indeed?

Bush has wasted no time in trying to cash in on his (totally false) “mandate.” He is going to try to undo environmental rules and regulations (supported by a majority of Americans), to privatize Social Security (against the wishes of a majority of Americans), overturn Roe vs. Wade (against the desires of a majority of Americans), make permanent obscene tax cuts for the wealthiest among us (against the majority of Americans), and further erode civil liberties (also against the will of a majority of Americans).

How is this going to happen? By a bizarre, almost unbelievable collaboration between the gigantic corporations that control the world and the religious fundamentalists who are too stupid to understand they are being “conned.” But not to worry, gays will not be allowed to marry, at least not until the United States catches up with the rest of the civilized world, if, indeed, we ever do.

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