Wednesday, December 01, 2004

America, wake up!

Hello? Anybody home? Anybody out there? Are you aware that the Bush/Cheney Administration is killing your sons and daughters everyday in a so-called “war” that is illegal, unconstitutonal and unnecessary? Are you aware that thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens, including large numbers of women and children have been killed for no reason other than Corporate greed? Are you aware that everyday your children and grandchildren are falling further and further into debt because of the unprecedented national debt brought about by tax breaks for the filthy rich and the outlandish costs of the Iraqi situation which basically just puts more money into companies like Halliburton and General Electric and others? Are you aware that your civil liberties are being systematically eroded by the falsely labeled “Patriot Act?” Are you aware that Bush/Cheney and the neocons lied outrageously to bring about this so-called “war” that had nothing to do with 9/11 or terrorism? Are you aware that our environment is being further and further debased every day this Administration holds office? Are you aware that the recent election was fraudulent? That Bush/Cheney are out and out liars who have quite likely never told the truth about anything?
If you are not aware of these basic facts you had better become aware of them soon because otherwise it is going to be too late. The attempt by the Republicans to change our country from a democratic into a Fascist state is very close to becoming a reality. “This is happening mostly because you are too busy watching Desperate Housewives, Soap Operas, Nascar races and other sporting events, Oprah, and trashy movies to bother about what is actually going on in the United States and the world. And also because you seem to believe that people with very little education know more than those who actually read and try to understand. Anti-intellectualism in the United States is precisely what your Corporate Masters want you to practice. They know that the less informed you are about what is happening the better for them. George W. Bush, an anti-intellectual false Texas “cowboy” who doesn’t read and doesn’t know the difference between Paris, France and Paris, Texas, is the perfect role model for them. This “dumbing down” of Americans has been going on for a long time, just witness the absolutely disgraceful condition of our Public School System and the lack of interest in improving it.
The Founding Fathers knew that the only way a democracy could survive was by having an informed electorate. This has not been lost on our Corporate Masters who have done everything in their power to insure the electorate is not informed, and not likely to ever be informed. That vast numbers of Americans, who know nothing about it, do not believe in evolution, that many believe God speaks directly to George Bush, that the Grand Canyon was created by Noah’s flood, that the Bible is the literal truth about everything, are facts so shocking as to be almost unbelievable. And, indeed, most of the rest of the world is having a great deal of trouble believing this can be so in the 21st century. If this continues the United States will eventually become merely a footnote in history, another noble experiment gone wrong because of greed and ignorance, a society that became so sick it became incurable. We must not let this happen. So wake up America before it is too late!!!

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