Thursday, December 16, 2004

Eight to five he goes soon

Anyone care to bet that Rumsfeld will last any longer than another three to six months at most? In addition to McCain and Hagel we now have Lott and Collins dumping on him, and I am certain there must be others about to surface. Too bad it couldn’t have happened before the ill-advised and illegal “war.” It certainly is hard to have any sympathy for the arrogant old fool who has needlessly slaughtered thousands and thousands while playing with his toy soldiers and militaristic fantasies. I could be wrong. I often am. But I hope not this time.

Bush has come out swinging with his absurd plan to privatize social security. The lies will come thick and fast from now on. “There is a crisis,” “we have to act now,” blah, blah, blah. There is no crisis. We don’t have to act now. This is just another Bush/Cheney con job to enrich Wall Street and steal more money from the middle class. And, indeed, to eventually get rid of social security entirely.

Oh, by the way, the way to reduce our obscene deficit, especially during “wartime,” is to make the tax cuts permanent and cut further. And oh, I forgot, we need another 100 billion for Iraq. “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you talking about real money,” as our now unfortunately deceased Senator Dirksen once remarked. This was back in the days when we had real Senators instead of the sorry lot of wussies we have now. Wouldn’t it be nice if just one of them would actually stand up and fight?

With their dreams of empire fading further each day the plan now seems to be to terrorize the Iraqis into voting so we can have an excuse to get out of this mess. If we can force enough of them to vote, no matter who they vote for, we can claim some kind of “success” and withdraw, “having accomplished what we set out to do.” Is anyone, anyone at all, even in one of the “red” states, going to believe this utter poppycock? Don’t even try to imagine the disaster that will ensue if the Iraqis don’t vote.

Poor Condoleeza Rice, didn’t get a medal like the boys did. Of course not, her silence about all the unethical and criminal goings on in the Administration is already assured. She is said to be a very intelligent lady, too bad she doesn’t understand that she is in well over her head. Don’t expect great things from our new Secretary of State. In fact, don’t expect anything at all, except whatever utters from the mouth of her lord and master.

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