Thursday, December 23, 2004

Guilty as not charged

Will this nightmare never end? The Washington Post has finally come right out and said that Rumsfeld lied about the torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. And there is every reason to believe that the directives for torture came right from the White House. Rumsfeld is clearly on his way out, perhaps not quickly, but inevitably. He will no doubt claim he needs more time for his children and grandchildren. Not a bad future for a murderous war criminal. Like Ashcroft he can claim success and bow out. And no doubt there will be those Republican morons who will believe it.

Then there is the issue of the Ohio election, still not settled. Officials in Ohio have already made it impossible to truly verify the votes. But can there be any doubt whatsoever at this point that Republicans fixed the election, just as they did in 2000 and 2002? And just as they will again in the future if no one does anything about it. In 2000 all that was needed was for one Senator, just one, to step up and challenge the election, but none of them did. The situation is the same at the moment. All that is needed to challenge is one Senator with the courage to stand up and be counted. So far none has come forward. If no Senator will come forward at this moment in time to challenge this obviously dishonest election we can truly kiss American Democracy goodbye. Indeed, if John Kerry doesn’t step forward on this we will know that fascism has arrived and the Democrats are just as deeply involved as Republicans. Perhaps this should not be surprising, given that they all suck from the same Corporate teats.

If the House and he Senate refuse to step up now to resist Corporate control of our country, and the obvious rise of fascism, there will be no other recourse than for the citizens to take to the streets just as they did in the 20’s and 30’s. Indeed, Republicans seem to be dedicated to bringing this about. Why else do they insist on initiatives that are known to be quite the opposite of what the majority of Americans want? A majority of Americans want the environment protected. Republicans are doing everything they can to destroy it in the name of business. Most Americans think the war in Iraq is wrong. Republicans insist everything is going well and Democracy is about to arrive in that totally decimated country. A majority of Americans want Social Security to be left alone with only a few minor changes. Republicans want to eliminate it entirely, one step at a time. Most Americans want the national debt reduced. Republicans think it is not important. Most American favor a woman’s right to choose. Republicans want to outlaw abortion. Most Americans believe in the separation of church and state. Republicans are determined to bring religion directly into politics. Most Americans are in favor of stem cell research. Republicans are opposed. Most Americans are in favor of a national health care system that would insure health care for all. Republicans are opposed. Most Americans want to buy less expensive drugs in Canada. Republicans do not.

It appears that many Americans, mostly Republicans, still believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11. They did not. They still believe there was a relationship between Iraq and the terrorists. There was not. Apparently many of them still believe the earth and all that is in it was created in less than 10,000 years by some kind of supernatural being. It was not. They seem to believe that Bush communicates directly with God. He does not. Many apparently believe that Jesus will return to earth and true believers will be swept up into heaven while everyone else will burn in hell. He and they won’t. Finally, if some people believe man/woman was created in God’s image, God must have had a remarkably macabre sense of humor.

And oh, yes. I guess if you belong to an enormously wealthy organization and dress in strange medieval costumes and funny hats, carry sacred staffs and what-not, and indulge in more or less unintelligable Latin rites, this permits you to abuse little boys and girls with little danger of being held responsible. In recent years this has been revealed at great financial cost to the Church. How many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of children must have been abused in the hundreds of years of this absolutely Medieval Church? This is the same church that presumes to preach to you about abstinence and the evils of birth control?

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