Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I did it! I managed to actually force myself to listen to George W. Bush's speech! And I didn't even throw up! I think the reason for that is that he didn't really say anything. It was all gobbelday-gook, so to speak. The so-called analyses and comments afterword were also just more gobbeldy-gook. I began to wonder if they had listened to the same speech I had. MSNBC devoted the entire day to a run-up to Bush's speech. They even ran a count-down (you know, like 2 hours 35 minutes and sixteen seconds until Bush speaks). This was said to be Bush's most important speech of his Presidency. It was just another farce. Oh, the headlines tomorrow will say "Bush admits mistakes," and presents his new plan for Iraq. One mistake, he said, was that we didn't have enough troops in the first place (so he is offering 20,000 more now to apparently make up for the 300,000 we didn't have in the first place). We couldn't maintain neighborhoods that were cleaned out because we didn't have enough troops to maintain them (so 20,000 more in a population of 30 million are going to make that possible). There was no talk of withdrawing troops (except for the nebulous claim that once we have pacified Bagdad we might withdraw some troops). There was no talk of trying to engage Iran or Syria (except a not very subtle hint that we didn't want them meddling in Iraq - we, of course, are not meddling in Iraq).

Bush managed to get everyone arguing about whether we should "surge" or not. The question of withdrawal was not really discussed (even though that is what a majority the American public wants). There was no mention of oil. No mention of our permanent bases. No mention of our half billion dollar embassy. No significant mention of healing the divisions in Iraq. No mention of reparations. Basically no strategy of anything other than more troops to pacify Bagdad. And, of course, it is really up to Maliki to solve the problems, we are just there to help. I'm sorry, but the whole thing was just simply more of the same old BS and pathetic. Bush might as well have spoken in Polish to an audience of illiterates.

Bush has denied the will of the American people, denied the advice of most of the Generals (he purged those who disagreed), denied the advice of Congress and the Senate, and even denied any semblance of common sense. After all, he is the "Decider," the "War President," the "Emperor," who does not have to explain anything to anyone. And he speaks directly to God. He, Cheney, Rove, Rice and others have so egregiously violated American and International law they could be impeached in a fortnight if Congress had the will to do it. Congress could cut off the funding for any more of this unnecessary murderous war-profiteering enterprise. Justice could be served. Don't hold your breath.

If they can Bush/Cheney are going to stonewall. They are going to prolong this completely untenable situation in Iraq until they can dump it on the next President. The only way to prevent this is impeachment - NOW!

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