Monday, May 22, 2006

Anyone remember Karl Rove?

You know, Karl Rove, the evil brain behind the no-brained George W. Bush. The guy who looks like a marshmallow with glasses but inside is a seething mass of vicious unprincipled hatred for all things democratic. It was announced some time ago that he was to be indicted for his involvement in the Valerie Plame affair. Leopold assured us this was a done deal and it was only a question of a few days. My wife and others insisted Rove would be indicted soon. I said I'd believe it when I saw it on some kind of national news (even the ass-kissing major media presumably couldn't ignore this). So...I haven't seen it. Now it appears perhaps I won't ever see it.

So what is going on? I find it impossible to believe that Rove is entirely innocent of being involved in the outing of Plame. Is he perhaps striking a deal with Fitzgerald to rat on Bush/Cheney in return for leniency? Is the prosecutor's case so weak he doesn't think it will win? Is Fitzgerald biding his time going for bigger game (think Cheney)? Is Rove not cooperating because he knows Bush will pardon him anyway? Do liars and cheats thrive in the Bush/Cheney era? Do bears do it in the woods?

I have no idea what is going on with respect to Herr Rove. I do believe that Rove, Libby, and others were intimately involved in outing Plame and the impetus to do so came from Cheney. This seems to me to be so obvious as to not be much of a problem for a superprosecutor like Fitzgerald. But hey, like I say, what do I know?

In the meanwhile we continue to deal with the two problems designed to keep our attention away from the real problems: immigration (a problem totally without any quick solution) and gay marriage (a total non-problem but sure to keep out minds occupied with trivia instead of Iraq, the national debt, health care, etc.). We'll probably find flag burning back on the agenda soon - especially now that Hillary has joined the chorus (I guess she likes the company of idiots).

A very wild and premature prediction: Al Gore will be the next President and Bill Clinton will become Secretary of State. Keep your eyes on global warming and the environment - winners in 2008. The wheels are already turning.

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