Monday, November 29, 2010

The Ultimate Absurdity

Ghana has decided to
enforce its ban on the
selling of used underwear.

I don’t usually comment on these tidbits but if people in Ghana are too poor to afford new underwear what’s with the countries that sell their used underwear? Are they so poor they have to sell their used underwear or so rich they sell it for even more profit?

Anyway, I think we have now reached the absolutely, positively, disgustingly, disturbingly, unbelievably, fantastically, ridiculously, lowest, and stupidly absurd point in American government ever. We are actually debating (or at least considering) continuing tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy 2% of the American public. On the one hand is a proposal to extend unemployment benefits for some two million Americans who are out of work, a plan that is known to be the best way to help stimulate the economy. Republicans are opposed to this unless it is “paid for” (presumably by cuts elsewhere in the budget. On the other hand is a proposal to continue tax breaks for the richest 2% of the population, all multi-millionaires or billionaires, tax breaks t that are known to be the least productive way to stimulate the economy, but would not have to be paid for. In the first case the ext ended unemployment benefits would cost a few hundred million dollars and would return more than the cost, in the second case it would cost some 700 billion dollars to be added to the deficit and would return little or nothing. What is absurd about this is that it is even being discussed or debated, and worse than that, it seems Democrats are willing to consider some form of compromise! These tax cuts for the wealthy (and others) were regarded as so questionable or desirable the only way they passed In the first place is with the understanding they would expire in ten years. Ten years is up. Let them expire. They never should have been allowed to begin with. Tax cuts for the middle class might well be a good idea to help stimulate the economy, tax breaks for the filthy rich are absurd. No compromise! None! Let Republicans try to defend their unconscionable greed.

Wikileaks. Of course I don’t know what all is involved in these leaks. Perhaps they are as threatening and awful as some would have us believe. But what I have seen about it so far doesn’t seem to amount to much. That is, is anyone surprised that our Secretary of State would seek information about other leaders? Is anyone surprised that the Arabs and Israel would like to see Iran neutralized? Is it really a big deal that Khadafi travels with a “voluptuous blond Ukrainian? The only thing I have seen so far that surprised me in the least is that China is apparently not so keen on North Korea and might not object to a unified Korean state. But even that is probably just one person’s report. These are apparently personal e-mails from diplomats around the world, and no doubt some of them might be embarrassing, but so far they seem to me to be pretty benign.

I thought I had seen somewhere there were supposedly enough votes to repeal DADT, but maybe not. What an example of complete and total waste of time. There seems to be little doubt that DADT is going to be repealed, that a majority of the public is in favor of repealing it, the military (except for the Marines) is in favor, Obama is in favor, Gates is in favor, and on and on, but it is still being opposed by none other than John McCain and his trusty sidekick Lindsey Graham (who may be himself a closet Gay). McCain is apparently still sore about having lost to Obama, has changed his position on this issue, and who has now likened Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan! I think McCain has become increasingly senile over the past few years, why anyone still listens to him (or Gingrich) I do not understand. I guess one of the beauties of free speech is that no matter how stupid or hypocritical or dishonest or deceitful or “beyond the pale” you are, the MSM will give you an audience.

I see now that at least one spokesperson for the Tea Party thinks we should only allow people to vote who own property. Now there’s an idea whose time has come!

It is wise to remember that you are one of those who can be fooled some of the time.
Laurence J. Peter

Bedbugs can live for a year without feeding.

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