Friday, November 19, 2010

The "No-Brainer"

After beating and robbing clerk
In convenience store, he
attempts to escape on lawnmower.

Bubblehead: I said Glenn Beck had a High School diploma, was an ex-alcoholic and drug abuser, and converted to the Mormon Church. I fail to see how any of these experiences qualify him to make grandiose pronouncements on political matters or foreign policy (or most anything else, for that matter). Beck is the biggest phony ever to get his own show and the world would be far better off without him.

It appears that President Obama may well win in his attempt to get DADT abolished. That should give him at least one more victory for which he will probably get little credit. And he is finally going to force the Republicans to vote on keeping tax cuts for the middle class while doing away with them for the obscenely wealthy. This strikes me as a true “no-brainer” that should have been forced a long time ago. There is no way Obama can lose, even if he loses the vote he will have exposed the Republicans for the greedy unconscionable monsters they are, as they have just voted not to extend unemployment benefits for some two million Americans. This should not surprise anyone, Republicans have always voted in favor of wealth and management and never for the working person.

Now let’s encourage Republicans to do what they want so badly to do, repeal health care, privatize Social Security and Medicare, do away with the Departments of Energy and Education, cut taxes, attack Iran, shut down the government, support Israeli genocide, endless wars, and what-have-you, and see how well they fare in 2012. And please let them pick Sarah Palin as their Presidential candidate in 2012, even though the very thought of her as President makes me sick to my stomach. I thought we had reached rock bottom when Bush was elected but Palin will easily surpass him in incompetence and stupidity. Actually, I don’t think she will run. It will cost her too much money, she has a long way to go before she can exhaust all the sucker money out there. I don’t think her racist attack on Michelle Obama will help her much, but it is interesting to observe that Republicans no longer even try to cover up their blatant racism, sexism (they have also just voted to deny equal pay for women), and single-minded focus on more, more, more for the haves and less, less, less for the have-nots. I cannot understand how they have managed to get away with their outrageous program for so long but somehow they have. It is rather like a larger, broader, version of “keeping them barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.”

Well, the snow this year held off until fairly late, but yesterday and last night and today it came on with some significance. I woke up to about three inches of new, wet snow this morning and had to rescue the snow shovel from its retirement in the garage. The only positive thing I could see was that the snow was perfect for making snowmen (and women?) and there were children out here and there doing just that. The deer have taken to resting under the towering ponderosa pines in our back yard, no more than fifty feet from the house, the firewood is neatly stacked away, there is no greater pleasure than sitting by the fire with a good book, I am ready for a new season of reading and reflection. I have what appears to be an interesting book by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer that I am eager to read. Life is good, provided you don’t think about it for a few minutes at a time, don’t watch or listen to the news, avoid newspapers, and don’t try to converse with anyone unless you know them well.

His lack of education is more than compensated for by his keenly developed moral bankruptcy.
Woody Allen

The Osprey is unusual in that is a single species that occurs virtually worldwide.

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