Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Terrifying, Horrifying...

Oregon man arrested in
hot tub after calling 911
for a towel and a hug.

Terrifying, horrifying, or just mystifying, I find myself, in the aftermath of Glenn Beck’s performance last Saturday pondering these descriptions. First, I am terrified to learn there are so many morons in the United States that would turn out for such a ridiculous performance. Second, I am horrified to think these people are all most probably going to vote. Third, I am absolutely mystified that there is anyone, anywhere, that would place any credence in anything this weeping, know-nothing wimp would say. I do not understand his appeal, not at all. Most everything he says is nonsense, and if it has to do with history it is almost, if not always, wrong. He seems to have a capacity for taking even the simplest historical fact and getting it wrong, and his explanations for everything are so garbled and unintelligible as to defy comprehension. It’s as if he speaks in tongues and only the faithful can understand him. This is, to me, frightening. Even more frightening, terrifying, or horrifying is that today I saw at least one article that suggested he might even ride his popularity into the White House, or there could be a Beck/Palin ticket, or perhaps a Palin/Beck ticket. I assume these people are not serious. Indeed, I find it impossible to believe they are serious. I thought Republicans must have reached the absolute bottom of the barrel when they settled on McCain/Palin, but apparently the pit they have fallen into is bottomless.

There is some doubt as to how many people actually appeared at this Beck rally. The best estimate seems to be somewhere in the vicinity of 87,000. I hope this is true because it would not be too hard to find that many people wandering around in Washington, D.C. almost anytime. And when you consider that at least part of the crowd was anti-Beck, perhaps things are not as bad as they seem. Some seem to believe that Beck’s rally was more religious than political, others think the opposite. I don’t think the Beck crowd separates religion from politics so the argument is probably moot. I can’t see what the purpose of this event was other than perhaps the glorification of Beck himself, Beck as the wise leader being led by God to save the world from Obama (and other black people).

I think much of this Beck phenomena is little more than fanning the flames of racism, appealing to those who truly do not want a Black President. In fact, I believe much of the opposition and hatred of Obama on the part of conservatives is little more than a form of rather primitive denial. They cannot accept a Black person as President, so they deny he is President, claiming he was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and etc. I see no other explanation for these claims that have no foundation whatsoever in fact. They are a fantasy that allows them to avoid a kind of painful cognitive dissonance. They will never accept a Black President no matter what he does and in an attempt to prove his inferiority they refuse to cooperate with him in any way. In their minds it is inconceivable that a Black person could possibly be President or act intelligently in any way. It is all racism, pure and simple, and it does not matter in the least what the truth may or may not be about his Presidency, he’s Black, that’s enough to discredit him from any positive virtues, everyone knows Black are inferior, Asians not quite so inferior, and Whites superior to all, even the pathetic Glenn Becks of the world, as long as they are White. This has been the foundation of American racism from the beginning and it still exists, mostly in the Republican Party and their fellow travelers. Obama cannot be allowed to succeed as that would destroy their most fundamental beliefs about race and intelligence, about White superiority. I said from the moment he was elected the Paradigm that had dominated our culture for hundreds of years was being demolished and would result in far more problems than anyone wanted to admit, and I believe I was right.

So, according to Obama the “war” in Iraq is now over (but not really, of course). I guess it is in his best interest to pretend it’s over while maintaining 50,000 troops there and also adding thousands of mercenaries. This is just more BS about Iraq and our behavior there in the past few years. I don’t approve of it but I at least sort of understand it. But what I will never understand (nor forgive) is Obama’s attempt to whitewash the Bush/Cheney war crimes. They lied us into this “war” for oil and control of the Middle East, in the process were responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, engaged in torture and other war crimes, and are apparently going to be not only forgiven but thanked for their role in this disastrous episode, almost surely the most terrible mistake in Foreign Policy ever. I guess you might say we “won” in Iraq as it appears we are going to get away with much of their oil, but there is no doubt that oil has been paid for in the blood of innocent people as well as some of our finest young people. Good job, Bushie! This has been so disgusting I can barely hang on to whatever sanity I might still possess.

Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, causes itself to happen again, happens again. It doesn't necessarily do it in chronological order, though.
Douglas Adams

Werewolves are also known as lycanthropes.

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