Thursday, September 02, 2010

Excuse me...

President Obama wins award for
being “most balsy” at Seventh Annual
Serbian Testicle Cooking Championship.

Excuse me, I must have missed something. I saw the results of a poll today that claimed that 49% of voters believe Republicans would handle the economy better than Democrats. I believe Democrats received 36%. I don’t know what poll this was, nor do I know what the questions were, or who was actually polled, nor do I know if it was at all credible. But, for the sake of the argument, let’s assume it was a more or less credible poll. If it was credible, how can it possibly be? Either Americans have an incredibly short memory or they are just a bit “dotty.” That is, have they already forgotten that Bush/Cheney took an enormous surplus from the Clinton years and almost overnight converted it into a huge deficit? Have they forgotten that Bush/Cheney, as a result of Republican actions, produced the worst recession/depression since the 1930’s? Have they forgotten the Bush/Cheney tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy that neither needed them nor asked for them, that importantly contributed to the deficit? Similarly, have we forgotten Bush/Cheney blatantly lied to lead us into a “war” with Iraq, apparently to insure our access to their oil and control of the Middle East, a “war” that by now is threatening to bankrupt our country? While I would be hard-pressed to defend the Democratic stewardship of our economy, how on earth could anyone believe Republicans could, or would, do better? The cliché, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” must have been coined with something like this in mind.

Related to this is what the conventional wisdom is trying to tell us at the moment, Republicans are going to take back the House and possibly even the Senate. As I have said before, I can understand why people are dissatisfied with the Democrats, a spineless bunch if ever there was one, but why on earth would they turn to Republicans who have done nothing whatsoever to deserve support? Republicans have prided themselves on being the party of “no,” have blocked virtually everything Obama has attempted to do to right our topsy-turvy economy, have absolutely no plans for our country beyond such great ideas as doing away with Social Security, rescinding health care, continuing the absurd tax cuts for the wealthy, blocking any reform of Wall Street, and who knows what other destructive acts they can conceive of. So we should elect them to take over our country once again? Granted we are in big trouble, and the Democrats are not doing well, but returning Republicans to power seems to me to be actually suicidal.

There was apparently an article in Vanity Fair about Sarah Palin that was, shall we say, unflattering (or worse). I have not seen this piece as I do not read Vanity Fair. Actually, I picked up a copy in the library once, paged through a number of ads and photos of people dressed so outrageously I thought they must be from outer space, and put it down, thinking I must have wandered into the waiting room of a lunatic asylum. But I digress. According to the accounts of this article I have seen, Silly Sarah has become a genuine Prima Donna, screaming at people, especially her husband, throwing tin cans at him, spending money recklessly, demanding first-class service everywhere, and so on. Todd, the “First Dude,” reportedly does not sleep with his temperamental wife and has said he doesn’t know how she get s pregnant. My problem with this is not that it exists, or not even that it might not be fair and balanced, or not whether it is merely a hatchet job, or whatever, but, rather, that I want to believe it. I despise this surly, know-nothing, shrill housewife pretending to be a hunter and other things she is not with such intensity I have to force myself to consider she might not be as bad as I think she is. In any case, it appears that 59% of Americans think she is not fit to be President, she is, happily, not likely to be President, and hopefully will eventually just disappear into the gutter of oblivion where she belongs. Damn you, John McCain, for releasing this awful woman on an unsuspecting and gullible public! I would eagerly urge a Palin/Beck Republican ticket for 2012, indeed, I salivate at the thought. Could Republicans really be that stupid? All indications at the moment seem to suggest they might.

More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
Woody Allen
Male muskoxen reach sexual maturity at five years of age.

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