Thursday, June 17, 2010


South African man beaten to death
by his family for watching World Cup,
rather than their religious program.

So…what really happened? I don’t know. But I’d like to know. First, let me say I have no sympathy whatsoever for BP, probably the worst scumbaggy (I know that’s not really a word) corporation even when compared to the other scummy Oil giants. They have lied repeatedly, and for years have basically ignored rules designed to protect workers, have repeatedly been cited for violations, and have used short cuts and cheap tricks to fatten their already too fat profits. Thus I find it truly funny to hear Congressman Joe Barton suggesting they were somehow browbeaten into setting up a 20 billion dollar fund, a poor, helpless, defenseless, private corporation subjected to a “shakedown” by a Black/communist/socialist/fascist thug. Similarly, I find it hilarious that Michele Bachmann, running off her mouth true to form, suggesting they were being made “chumps.” Other Republicans started defending BP also but soon of backed off when the scope of the “full catastrophe” became more obvious and could not be “spun.” Barton himself is now being castigated for making Republicans look as bad as they are and always have been.

But I really would like to know what happened. I cannot believe that President Obama just walked into the room and they immediately agreed to give up 20 billion, just for starters, without a fight, and without asking “what’s in it for us?” I hate to be so suspicious, but eight years of Bush/Cheney have conditioned me to not believe anything and certainly to not believe the best about everything and everyone. Obama’s behavior up until now has done little to change my suspicious mind (in many ways he does seem pretty much like “Bush Light”). I have absolutely no idea if what is running through my mind is true or has any basis whatsoever in reality. I can’t believe there was not at least some kind of a “deal.” I don’t believe they were actually coerced or blackmailed into giving up money, but I think they may well have been not-so-gently persuaded that, perhaps if they didn’t, they might end up in jail. Could Obama have promised to keep them out of jail if they went along with his request? Why do I think this? Because I have a suspicious, doubting mind, and I also think Obama may well have assured Bush and Cheney they would not go to jail. I can’t conceive of any other reason they are still walking around completely untouched and boasting of their war crimes.

One other thing about this deal (if, indeed, it is a deal) I don’t understand (I don’t understand a lot of things these days) is who is actually going to pay for all this mess. At least a couple of Republicans have hinted that the taxpayers should help (Boehner, for example), an idea being dismissed out of hand (but still entirely possible in the long run). But consider what is happening. BP is not going to pay a dividend for at least three quarters. That means their shareholders are going to pay. But shareholders are also taxpayers. Thus BP, as a corporation, will not actually be paying, but, rather, all those “little people” whose retirement funds and such are tied up in BP. Obama is obviously aware of what the collapse of BP would mean to Britain and for obvious reasons has to try to protect our long-time and closest ally. He must have worked out some kind of deal, some plan that would benefit everyone the most. Whatever he did, it had to look more or less kosher. This way BP itself, and its officers, are mostly off the hook (except for its reputation), the shareholders/taxpayers will ultimately pay, Obama will look like a magician, and the little guy will get shafted once again. A classic case of “What’s good for BP is good for the country.”

Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's?
Friedrich Nietzsche

Belcher’s Sea Snake (Hydrophis Belcheri) is quite likely the world’s most venomous snake.

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