Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Drunken New Zealander flips
his car on its roof, with nothing
better to do, cracks open another beer.

Hahaha,heehee,hohoho and a bottle of rum (take that as hysterical laughter). It was only a matter of time before the whole phony “war” in Afghanistan would collapse in a sea of confusion, recrimination, frustration, and hopelessness. So General McChrystal vented his frustration to Rolling Stone magazine, thus being forced to offer his resignation. What he did was such an egregious violation of military protocol there was no doubt he would have to go. President Obama had no choice whatsoever but to accept his resignation, which of course he did. Is this going to make any difference in the “war” in Afghanistan? No, it’s not. General Petraeus will replace McChrystal and follow the very same idiotic strategy that is quite obviously failing. There is no way counterinsurgency can work when there is not enough support from everyone and not enough troops and other personnel available. The only reason this misadventure has continued as long as it has is because the American public basically forgot about it, what with all the other problems surrounding us, unemployment, the stimulus, health care, the tea party, Sarah Palin, and now the great oil spill disaster. It has been obvious for some time that no one has any idea what the hell we are doing continuing this phony “war” in Afghanistan, and when people do stop to think about it they understand it is an unbelievable and very expensive project with no known or precise goals in mind other than perpetual “war” that benefits no one except the military/industrial/political complex. It certainly doesn’t benefit the U.S. public. Perhaps this flap over McChrystal will return us at least briefly to reality and bring about an end to this longest lasting, least productive, and senseless “war” in our history. How the Bush/Cheney administration managed to justify a “war” involving hundreds of thousands of American troops fighting against a handful of Muslim extremist criminals, and how the Obama administration managed to continue this absurd enterprise should keep historians busy for a very long time. What began as a criminal act turned into a full-fledged “war,” that should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. And don’t forget, the Taliban were not even our target or enemies in the beginning, merely replacing the now pretty much defunct Al-Quaida. The Taliban were not and are not a threat to the U.S. or anyone else, they simply want us out of their country. And if we were out of their country, the Afghans would take care of the Taliban and the rest of their business as they have for thousands of years. Nine years, the longest “war” in U.S. history, and nothing, absolutely nothing, to show for it, except a record of waste, endless deaths, and massive destruction. Obama is insisting that we are going to withdraw by August of 2011 as he previously outlined. But Gates is saying that it will depend upon the circumstances at the time. Does anyone believe we are truly going to withdraw? Especially now that it has been reported there is a trillion dollars worth of minerals just waiting to be developed (stolen). Actually, the presence of minerals has been known for many years, and no one really knows what the ultimate value may be, so this announcement is apparently another Pentagon ploy to potentially keep the “war” going for as long as possible.

If it is true that support for this Afghanistan “war” is waning, and if it is true that people are seeing the end of it next year, why not end it now? Obama may believe that within a year circumstances will be better and we will be able to begin withdrawing out troops, but given the history of this farce, and given the fact that it has been progressively deteriorating, there is little reason to suppose things will be much different a year hence. This is, I think, merely wishful thinking. In the meanwhile there will no doubt be more unnecessary deaths, misery, and failure. Let’s just admit the whole thing was a terrible mistake, apologize, get out, and agree to help if the Afghans actually ask for help. I’m sure another totally unnecessary, stupid, illegal, and unconstitutional “war” with Iran will suffice to keep our military busy as usual. Let’s just keep swimming in our sea of immorality, greed, and profiteering. It’s the American way.

In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time.
Edward P. Tryon

The largest giraffe recorded was nearly 20 feet tall.

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