Thursday, November 08, 2007

Good grief!

When kissing, she bit off a man's lip.
She hit a policeman with a pillow.
The man said they were just friends.

Good grief! Enough nonsense! I don't want Hillary to be the candidate or President. I think she is a Republican. I want Dennis Kucinich to be the candidate and President. Even so, I find myself coming to the defense of Hillary more and more. Seriously, consider what she has to put up with from her critics. First, they keep insisting she is unlikeable. While I don't want her to be President I don't find her unlikeable. Neither do a whole lot of other Americans as she is leading the polls by a large margin. Then there is the matter of her cleavage. Can you imagine the nerve of a female candidate for President revealing that she has breasts? I mean, really, it was a most modest display of cleavage, hardly a matter to criticize. It's not like she appeared in a bikini. Of all the nonsensical things she has been critcized for this one is probably the most ridiculous of all. But, of course, there is more. She laughs too much. If this was not bad enough as is, they added that her laugh is not really a laugh at all, it's a "cackle." You know, a cackle, that's what witches do. They cackle. So Hillary, who I think has a pleasant laugh, actually cackles, making her witch-like. Nice try but I don't buy it. Today, I notice, they are saying she claps too much. She claps too much? I don't even know what that could mean. Yes, she claps, usually when everyone else is clapping. She is not supposed to clap? This is typical of the absurdities her opponents resort to. Now, however, having seemingly failed to slow her down with other slurs, like cashing in on her gender, forgiving Bill, and one of the greatest critcisms of all: she is too ambitious. This is the United States of America. People are supposed to be ambitious. What's wrong with being ambitious? If you boil this down to its essentials I think it means that women are not supposed to be ambitious, especially if their ambition leads them to attempt what is usually a male only office. Personally, I find all of these criticisms petty beyond belief. But now a new one has surfaced. Obama has now declared that she is too old (she has just turned 60). I guess he thinks that when you are that old you are just "too set in your ways" to change. Not only is this one petty, it's pathetic. Let me review: Hillary is unlikeable, she laughs too much, claps too much, exposes her femininity, and is too old to be President. Too bad she is leading the pack and the puppies are nipping constantly at her heels and so far unable to bring her down. I would like to say go Hillary! But I want Kucinich. He, of course, has his own important negatives: he's too short, a vegan, a peacenik, married to a woman taller tham himself, doesn't wear really expensive clothes or have a personal fortune in the hundreds of millions, and always tells the truth. He wants to impeach Dick the Slimy and George the Dumb. Go Dennis!

It appears that a large majority of people believe waterboarding is torture. It is also the case that a great many former administrative officials also believe it is torture. In fact, the law and the UN Charter apparently say it is torture. Mukasey, Bush's choice for Attorney General, supposedly a great legal scholar and judge, doesn't know whether it is torture. Does he know which side his bread is buttered on? I think so. Will he be confirmed? Almost certainly.

Things appear to be getting a bit better in Iraq. It must be time to start a new war with Iran. However, it appears that sentiment is growing for impeachment. Will Pelosi be able to hang on to her opposition? What do you suppose Dick the Slimy has on her and Reid? Why would anyone want to protect Cheney who makes Ivan the Terrible look like a pansy? I truly wish someone would explain this to me. Perhaps I'm just too old and set in my ways. I still think there are quaint ideas like right and wrong.

"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn't know."
Mark Twain

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

Hi M...I'm with you re. Kucinich. A very straight up, honest, man who insists on defending the Constitution and doing what's right.