Monday, November 26, 2007

As the world (doesn't) turn

Let's see, you would think that the revelation that Bush/Cheney, Rove and Libby caused the White House Spokesman to lie about a matter of potential treason would be an interesting news item, to say the least. What have you heard about it? Not much I bet, especially from the Washington Post and the New York Times. The same treatment of a Bush/Cheney crime as all the rest - just ignore it and it'll go away. Seems to be working again.

Musharif, Bush's Pakistan buddy, is busily establishing a dictatorship in Pakistan. Bush supports him. This is another example of Bush's passion for spreading democracy around the world. Bush has also been remarkably silent about his (democratic) friends in Saudi Arabia who are about to administer 200 lashes to a 19 year old woman, gang raped, because she was riding in a car with a man not her husband. I guess in Saudi Arabia not only can women not drive, they can't even ride in cars unless chaperoned. Bush likes walking hand in hand with these guys.

Bush is also continuing to spread democracy in Iraq. Now his puppet government there is "asking" him to enter into an agreement whereby the U.S. will maintain a permanent military presence in that unfortunate country. Can there be little doubt that this is to maintain democracy rather than just protect the government that Bush/Cheney imposed on Iraq? I wonder what the citizens of Iraq think about this, or if they even know about it as yet. I especially wonder what the southern Shiites think about it (along with their Iranian friends). And I suppose it has nothing whatsoever to do with oil. I wonder how the oil deals are coming along, haven't heard much about it for some time except for the fact that the "central government" has nullified all Kurdish oil deals with outside interests. I haven't heard what the Kurdish response has been.

Conservative revisionists are now defending the bombing of Hiroshima as absolutely necessary, completely ignoring the fact that at the time even many conservatives condemned it at the time as unnecessary and immoral. The argument is, as it has been for a long time, that it was necessary and saved thousands of American lives. Critics, however, point out that the Japanese were on the verge of surrender at the time and it was not necessary. Personally, I don't believe it was necessary and I don't believe it would have been dropped on the Germans under any circumstances. I believe the major motivation for dropping it at the time was to frighten the Russians. This is doubtless an argument that will never go away and cannot be resolved.

You have probably heard that Trent Lott, the racist with the sculpted hair, is resigning unexpectedly by the end of the year. Some say it has to do with his wanting to become a lobbyist before the new rules about lobbying come into effect. Others say he might become President of a University. I say he's just another rat leaving a sinking ship. I think the Republicans anticipate a blood bath next November and are trying to distance themselves from the Brafia (Bush Republican mafia).

"And were an epitaph to be my story
I'd have a short one ready for my own.
I would have written of me on my
I had a lover's quarrel with the world.
Robert Frost

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