Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hang him quick!

Saddam Hussein. They say he may be hung by sunday. That's it. Hang him quick before he can spill the beans about the U.S. involvement in the Iraq/Iran war, biological weapons, and other things we don't want anyone to know about. While I have no sympathy for him, I do believe he received an entirely unfair trial, he should not be hurriedly put to death carrying vital secrets to his grave, and as the leader of a sovereign nation he should probably be entitled to at least write his memoirs (which I am certain would be of great interest). Who, besides the U.S, has anything to gain by his immediate demise?

Meanwhile, back on the pig farm, Bush is reportedly meeting with his trusted advisors to plan his course of action in Iraq. Want to bet it will be an escalation of some kind? Bet on it. Bush will never admit to defeat in Iraq no matter how obvious it is to everyone else. So look forward to a long "war," many more unnecessary deaths and casualties, and more mindless killing for a totally lost cause. No one seems either willing or capable of stopping this insane "decider." The Republican party, that he is systematically destroying, quite likely forever, and that could stop him if they wished, have apparently swallowed the kool-aid to the point where they, like the other cultists, are willing to perish in one last inglorious attempt to "move forward" (stay the course). I sincerely hope I will live long enough to see these murderous cretins held accountable for their multiple and horrendous war crimes.

I just finished reading The Making of Casablanca (special 60th anniversary edition) by Aljean Harmetz (another Christmas present). If you are interested in such things this is an exceedingly thorough, informative, well-written, and enjoyable book. It may tell you more than you truly wish to know about the making of this classic film. When I was a boy my father never received anything for Christmas other than neckties and Lucky Strike cigarettes. Now that I am old, and growing older by the day, I receive almost exclusively books. I am aware that many of these books just happen to be books that either my wife or my son would like to read. I would never complain because, in fact, both my wife and my son have an eye (or a nose) for really interesting and worthwhile books. Bring 'em on.

Stop the presses! Hold your breath! Sometime soon the decider is going to decide! The suspense is killing me. If he decides to escalate the "war" in Iraq and possibly bomb Iran I suggest you "head for the hills" as fast as possible.

Oh, by the way, Israel has announced they will build more illegal housing in the West Bank, a flagrant violation of whatever pretend agreement we supposedly have with them. Bush has told them they are naughty. %$#@^&*!

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