Thursday, November 17, 2005

What is it about imperialism they don't understand?

Exit strategy. Exit strategy. Exit strategy. They keep talking about this as if it is something that is somehow, someday, someway, perhaps sooner than later, perhaps not, but surely a goal to keep aiming for. Why can they not grasp the simple fact that exiting Iraq is not something that is going to happen? At least not as long as the neocons are in power, and probably not as long as anyone else is either. Get with the program! We (both Republicans and Democrats) invaded Iraq because we wanted to "change the face of the Middle East" (be able to control their oil). Some say this was really over ideology (spreading democracy), others say it was to rid Iraq of a dictator (who was no longer of any use to us), the truly naive seem to still believe it was because Sadam Hussein was a threat to the U.S. (with his two or three rubber band driven airplanes), and the truly true believers because Iraq had WMD's and were in cahoots with Osama bin Whats-his-face (who may very well be in retirement on the French Riviera for all we know - it would be just like the French wouldn't it?). I have to repeat once again: we are not going to exit Iraq. We are going to establish a puppet government that will cooperate with us and sell us their oil under our terms until such time as oil becomes irrelevant. This was the plan and this is what we are going to stick with. Oh, sure, they are going to vote in December for a democratically elected government and then we are going to leave. BELIEVE IT WHEN YOU SEE IT! But it does give the House and Senate something to pretend to argue about.

You see, it seems like Murtha, Kerry, Reid, and others (certainly not Biden, Hilary, Lieberman. McCain, etc) are really putting on the pressure for the U.S. to withdraw our troops. Have you heard anyone say publicly that the U.S. is not going to maintain a permanent force in Iraq? Anyone?

Bob Woodward, in an apparent attempt to upstage Judith Miller, has now guaranteed that the Plamegate scandal will continue indefinitely, keeping him on the front page, and perhaps influencing the Libby case. Woodward, who was at one time a first class investigative reporter, has become a celebrity of sorts, writing about those in power (who tell him how great they are in apparent confidence). In short, a toady for the White House.

And oh, yeah, ho hum. Just another war crime. It appears there is little agreement in the military about whether or not they used white phosphorus for legitimate purposes (as if there were legitimate purposes for such a thing), or whether they used it for illigetimate purposes (and, indeed, if there is any agreement among them about which might be which). Certainly the Lt. Colonels that have been interviewed don't seem to know. Not only that, they don't seem to know whether or not white phosphorous is a chemical (perhaps they have it confused with angel dust). Dropping this stuff on individual humans, combatants or not, is a war crime. So, first they denied it, and then when presented with the evidence, admitted it. But what's another war crime to this bunch?

And now we are confronted with Bush/Cheney accusing everyone but themselves of being irresponsible and unpatriotic because they are being criticized for their lies (finally). Cheney (aka Dick he Slimy), who has been the chief liar all along, spewing out claims that are/were utterly without foundation, now says that those who are criticizing him (and Bush), in addition to being unpatriotic and aiding and abetting the enemy, are "dishonest and reprehensible." I'm sorry Dick, WE NOW KNOW WHO HAS BEEN DISHONEST AND REPREHENSIBLE. Look in the mirror and start counting the days you may have left.

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