Monday, November 21, 2005

Even more lies!

Wow! I don't think I ever heard as many lies in one day as I did today. Everyone seems to be lying at the moment (not that they haven't been lying the whole time anyway). Bush and Cheney are absolutely outraged that democrats could possibly suggest they might have lied to lead us into war. This in spite of the fact that their lies are recorded on tape for all time. Cheney especially has so many lies recorded they are virtually uncountable. Also, at the very moment Cheney was on the telly outraged about this we were being treated to an account of how it is the Pentagon and CIA have spent somewhere between 50 and 100 million dollars for the Rendon group to prepare (through propaganda and other means) for regime change in Iraq (that is, war). So the Rendon group invented the INC (Iraq national congress), picked Chalabi to be its titular head, and prepared the soil for him to replace Sadam Hussein after our "victory" in that unfortunate country. I guess spending that much money for a Public Relations group to promote a war doesn't constitute lying? Not only that, they relied upon an Iraqi defector who was found to be a liar, for justifications for the "war." Even after lie detector tests showed this guy to be dishonest they continued to quote him about Sadam's weapons of mass destruction. Then, again, after they took him to Iraq to show them the sites he claimed to exist and could not find they continued to cite him. I guess that's not lying. If it's not, it's stupid even beyond belief.

This, of course, is in addition the the obvious lies that Bush/Cheney promoted endlessly. WMD's, mobile chemical plants, aluminum tubes, relations between Sadam and Osama, and on and on. And now lies about the intelligence that everyone supposedly had (which, in fact, only Bush/Cheney had), and whatever. The lies now are coming so thick and fast you can't even keep up with them. Rumsfeld now claims he was not in favor of invading Iraq! Santorum and others want to pretend they never even heard of George W. Bush, Woodward wants us to believe he was just an innocent bystander, no one in Congress ever heard of Abramhof, things are going really well in Iraq, To "cut and run" would be cowardly and Iraq would be plunged into civil war (which it already is), our military, especially the soldiers on the ground, want to "stay the course," torture does not occur, "collateral damage" is being minimized, we have not used chemical weapons, democracy is about to be established next month with the elections, and progress is being made (by leaps and bounds?).

I repeat what I have said before: If George W. Bush and Dick (the Slimy) Cheney had even one iota of decency and respect for the United States they would resign and give us a chance to restore democracy and respect to the United States before it is far too late. There is simply no way we can survive another three years of their criminal administration. If Republicans themselves cannot see this they will self-destruct and become merely a memory of what was once a viable political entity.

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