Sunday, November 06, 2005

Stuff and nonsense

Morialekafa is back! In all its (glory?). I have learned that travel is most educational. But I will tell you about that later. For the moment I wish to simply consider some of the current stuff and nonsense.

Someone wrote a piece claiming that Condi's bubble will burst before the 2008 election. This is clearly nonsense. If there even is a bubble it has to be tiny indeed. The idea that Condi could be nominated for the presidency and actually become a candidate is beyond nonsense. First of all, she might actually be in jail by then as she was/is a charter member of the White House Iraqi Group (WHIG) that lied us into this totally dreadful and unnecessary "war." Not only that, she was an abject failure as Security Advisor and as Secretary of State little more than a bad joke. If the people behind this movement (if, indeed, it seriously exists) are serious they clearly need help, psychiatric would probably be the most apt.

Someone else wrote something about how the Republicans have "lost their moral compass." This is about as nonsensical as the above. The Republicans never had any moral compass to begin with, unless, perhaps, morality is measured by the amount of money you can take from the poor and give to the rich. It is very clear that morals are not a concern of Republicans. If they were we would not be in Iraq and would certainly not be torturing people (Cheney is doing everything he can to allow the CIA to engage in this totally illegal and unconstitutional behavior). So far he has not won over McCain, but don't bet that he won't. McCain seems willing to put up with most anything in his quest for the presidency.

Now there are rumors that Washington insiders think Bush will get rid of Rove, Rumsfeld, and McClellan within a year. I can't imagine this happening unless Rove is indicted and Rumsfeld has a heart attack or something. McClellan may go as he has lost all credibiliy and can no longer function as Press Secretary. And he probably misses his pal Gannon/Guckert who seems to have mysteriously disappeared.

The DeLay saga continues with his lawyers doing everything possible to slime the prosecutor and select a judge that is likely to sell out. There can be no doubt that DeLay is guilty of far more malfeasance that he is charged with. I'd bet that if you look up corruption in a recent dictionary you would see his picture. But you have to admit, he does have chutzpa (in excess).

It appears that some members of the GOP are not entirely happy with Bush's recent nominee for the Supreme Court. I guess they will never be satisfied until Bush nominates Attila the Hun. I think they are put off by recent claims that Alito might actually be serious and fair-minded. We certainly couldn't have that!

I continue to be entertained by those who are saying "if Bush lied he should be impeached." What do they mean, "if." It is perfectly obvious that he and the neocons lied. They knew there were no WMD's and used that as an excuse for going to war anyway. They knew their sources of information were flawed and used them anyway. One of them admitted that they settled on the threat of WMD's because that was the one thing that would work to convince the American people to go to war. They knew the item about Sadam trying to get yellowcake was not true but used it anyway. They knew there was no evidence the aluminum tubes were to be used for nuclear purposes but used that anyway. They knew that Sadam was not a threat to the United States, and not even to his neighbors but claimed otherwise. What questions could possibly remain about whether or not they lied? Cheney, of course, has never done anything but lie.

Finally, I continue to be amazed by those who talk about withdrawing American troops from Iraq. Of course I think they should be withdrawn. Immediately if not sooner. But as long as the Bush/Cheney administration is in charge they will never be withdrawn. That is simply not part of the plan and never has been. Of course if they could they might withdraw a few. But an American military presence in Iraq, from their point of view, is an absolute necessity. If anyone is serious about withdrawing from Iraq they had better start by impeaching Bush/Cheney and sending them to the Hague.

"Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right."
Laurens van der Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari.

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