Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Bill Sali?

The Marriage Appreciation Training Uplifting
Relationship Program fails to find couple willing
to abstain from premarital sex for $10,000 prize.

I saw somewhere the other day that someone said they would vote for Bill Sali because he represents Idaho values. Here are just a few of Sali’s “no”votes (courtesy of The Mountain Goat Report):

Bill Sali opposes easier access to small-business loans. Bill passed 380-45.
Bill Sali opposes funding for scientific research. Bill passed 397-20.
Bill Sali opposes restrictions on maritime pollution (359-48) and on dogfighting and cockfighting (368-39)
Bill Sali opposes protection for whistleblowers. Bill passed 331-94.
Bill Sali likes noxious weeds. Bill passed 390-10.
Bill Sali opposes the National Science Foundation. Bill passed 399-17.
Bill Sali opposes improving Head Start. Bill passed 365-48.
Bill Sali opposes technology innovation. Bill passed 385-23.
Bill Sali opposes putting more cops on the streets. Bill passed 381-34.
Bill Sali voted against the 911 Commission's recommendations. Bill passed 371-40

Are these really “Idaho values?” Bill Sali has proven himself to be utterly useless as an Idaho Congressman. In fact, examining his votes makes one wonder if he really represents or is useful to anyone at all, even those out-of-state interests that fund his misadventures. Vote for Minnick.
Jim Risch says it would be terrible to have a “liberal” in Congress representing Idaho. He seems to believe the world would end if such were to come to pass. So why not elect another conservative from Idaho and buck the tide of what appears to be an overwhelming Democratic victory. He or she would certainly have a lot of clout in a Democratic Congress and administration. An Idaho conservative at the moment would seem to be as useless as Bill Sali (if that were even possible). Vote for Larry LaRocco, who is not exactly a liberal, unless compared to Craig or Risch, but is a good and competent man who can be depended upon to truly represent Idaho values.

Here in Boundary County we have some unusually fine Democratic candidates for office for the first time in many years. Vote for:

Tom Hollingsworth
Steve Elgar
Jerry Pavia
John O’Connor

It is well past time for a change in our local politics. These are all dedicated and knowledgeable people who have the best interest of our community at heart and will break the pattern of secrecy that has characterized our county government for the past few years.

I do not understand the continuing hysteria over Iran. This seems to me to be an example of ignorance and thoughtlessness. Iran has not attacked anyone for more than 200 years. Iranians are intelligent people that represent a culture thousands of years old, a culture that values poetry and art and a love of learning. There is no evidence they are actually trying to build a bomb, but even if they are it will surely be for purely defensive purposes (to defend themselves from an aggressive U.S. and Israel who keep threatening them and trying to interfere in their affairs). They most certainly would not attack Israel with a nuclear bomb, the very idea is ridiculous. Iran has offered more than once to negotiate with the U.S. only to be spurned by Cheney. And of course they have vital interests in Iraq, a neighboring country that has attacked them in the past. They have far more reason to be “ meddling” there than we do. But when it comes to Iran we seem to throw all reason and common sense out the window and just continue with this blind approach to problems that could quite likely be solved through peaceful negotiations. Perhaps Obama can attempt a more sensible approach to a country that offers no threat to us.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.
Friedrich von Schiller

Winston Churchill is said to have started every morning with a bottle of champagne.

1 comment:

Bubblehead said...

Woo-hoo! Morialekafa used hyperlinks! And the world rejoiced...