Monday, October 13, 2008

A separate reality?

Observing McCain and Palin in the last few days one has to wonder if they are inhabiting a separate reality. The polls show Obama leading McCain by anywhere from 12 to 4 points. He is also leading or even in virtually every battleground state. So McCain, in a speech today says he is behind by 6 points and he has Obama “just where he wants him,” implying that he prefers to be where he is and will make another comeback. It doesn’t sound very realistic to me. Similarly, when asked about the shouts of terrorist, treason, off with his head, kill him, and such, McCain said he has heard similar things said about him at Obama rallies. I’m sorry, I just don’t believe it, and I have never seen anywhere such behavior being reported for the Obama campaign. The case of Sarah Palin is perhaps even more bizarre. The report on Troopergate was released and it says, among other things, specifically, right there in black and white, that Palin violated the Alaska code of ethics. Her response was to say she was glad to have been cleared of any legal or ethical violations. When asked about this several times she has repeated that she was cleared. Either she cannot or does not read or watch TV, or she is in such a state of denial it verges on the pathological, unless, of course, you might think she does inhabit a separate reality from the rest of us (which, I guess, might be the same thing).

McCain has apparently decided to switch from trashing Obama (which wasn’t working) to making himself the issue. What he is not doing (at least so far) is discussing any of the issues. He does say, of course, that he will fix everything and that we will have all forms of alternative energy (which he has consistently voted against time after time) as well as oil (but we need to start drilling offshore immediately, which he also formerly opposed). And we already know that he will capture bin Laden, win all the wars, solve the economic crisis, and whatever (he never says how he is going to do this, merely that he knows how).

The more we see and hear about Palin the worse she appears. It now seems that her house may have been constructed by the same contractors that built the twelve and a half million dollar sports facility she somehow managed to get built in her home town. Her husband, Todd, claims he built the house himself with some of his contractor buddies. As there is no paper record of anything it is difficult to prove, although it is known that the materials were purchased by the same people who were building the sports facility, and at precisely the same time. I gather this investigation is continuing. But do we, really, need any more information about Sarah? It is perfectly obvious she is not qualified for the office of VP, not even remotely, and even many of the senior Brafia/Republicans acknowledge this sad fact. McCain made a truly stupid choice when he picked her, and if he loses the Presidency (as it looks pretty certain he will) she will certainly have been a contributing factor. She and McCain do not seem to see eye to eye on some very important things, like Korea and Afghanistan, for example. Somewhere I read today that perhaps she doesn’t care because she is positioning herself to run for President in 2012. If that isn’t a case of living in a separate reality I don’t know what would be. Having dismally flunked VP 101, and exposed herself to be little more than a know-nothing fraud, she thinks she can run for President? She and I are truly inhabiting separate worlds, along with her supporters and the rest of the known world.

McCain was supposed to have given his plans for the economy today, but he didn’t. Now they say he will do so tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

Where does the violet tint end and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blending enter into the other. So with sanity and insanity.
Herman Melville

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