Sunday, May 01, 2005

Where to now?

It does appear that some major cracks are beginning to appear in the current Administration. But where might they lead? If the Bolton nomination can be scrapped and that obviously wrong choice thwarted it would go a long way to finally holding Bush/Cheney accountable - at least for something. And better yet by far, if DeLay can be brought down (and who could be more deserving), it might well indicate the beginning of the end of the dark days.

But let us not try to count our chickens before they hatch and all that. The American public seems to persist in their collective idiocy. How anyone could possibly continue to support Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/et all is absolutely mind-boggling. They have lied and failed at everything: the "war," the economy, the environment, the national debt, international relations, you name it. And yet, somehow, there are U.S. citizens who still stand by them. It is inconceivable and yet it appears to be so. Of course it seems to be the case that Bush's poll ratings are at an unprecedented low for a second term president, and ratings for our Congress and Senate are even worse. But so far that has not been converted into any actual action - like impeachment, for example, long overdue. The enormity of their crimes seems to be so unbelievable that no one is willing to deal with it. We just go on as if business is as usual, in spite of the dismal failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, the torture, the lies, the secrecy, the impending governmental bankruptcy, the cover-ups, the refusal to admit any responsibility for anything, and on and on. What on earth is the matter with everyone? None of this will stop I guess until people are so bad off they are forced, once again, to take to the streets. It's truly deja vue all over again.

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