Monday, May 16, 2005

Thank God for Bill Moyers

If you didn't either hear or read the Bill Moyers speech in St. Louis you absolutely must do so. It was brilliant and moving and said exactly what needed to be said about the dismal state of American journalism (if, indeed, it can even be described as journalism). Moyers, along with Greg Palast and a very few others, seems to be one of the last real journalists who understand what has happened to news in the United States over the past few years. Hopefully his speech will inspire people to actually try to do something to break up the Corporate control of our news. Without a truly free press we are surely doomed. This includes preventing the Bush/Cheney Administration from taking over PBS and making it just another asset of the Republican party. This is serious stuff and we are perilously close to losing our democracy.

By the way, whatever happened to Social Security? We haven't heard much about that lately. After his 60 day non-stop tour promoting his (never really explained) plan to "save" Social Security you might expect a little more than the silence we now have. But of course the tour had nothing to do with Social Security. It was just meant to be a long diversion from more important matters, like the abysmal failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, the utterly obscene national debt, the collapse of the dollar, cutting medicaid, screwing veterans, destroying the environment, the truth about the illegal and immoral "war," war profiteering, torture and other scandals, and on and on and on. If you don't believe this is the worst U.S. Administration in history you ought to look for some professional help.

How low do Bush's ratings have to go before the American public demands some action. Impeachment is long overdue. But as there seem to be no honorable people in the House of Representatives I guess it will never happen. Too bad. It certainly should. Let's face it, it's the priviledged against the rest of us, and we are clearly losing - at least so far. Think about it and tell me that the filthy rich need further tax breaks, the military needs more money and more cannon fodder, Halliburton needs a 70 million dollar bonus for more fraud, the military-industrial complex doesn't really exist, and Rumsfeld is the most brilliant Secretary of Defense ever. If I don't agree you can label me unpatriotic.

I no longer even try to be of good cheer, and neither should you.