Friday, October 15, 2004

What debates?

Eighteen more days until the crucial election, almost certainly the most important election of our lifetimes. You can be sure the Republicans will try to pretend that the debates never happened, or if they did they were dead even. Of course no one in their right mind would believe this, but the Republican base has not been in its right mind for years. There is no doubt what happened in the debates – Bush was publicly exposed for the absolute fraudulent phony President he has been and is. His lies and hypocrisy were exceeded, if that were possible, by Dick the Slimy and his wife who have expressed outrage over the fact that Kerry said their daughter was a lesbian and would no doubt admit that she had been born that way. It is not as if she was being “outed” by Kerry, everyone knows she is a lesbian and has known it for years. Indeed, Cheney himself has acknowledged this when it suited his purpose. Republican hypocrites are the best in the world.

There are rumors now, based mostly on his personal appearance during the last debate, that perhaps Bush has had a stroke (the turned down left lip, spittle on his mouth). Still another rumor has it that the bulge in his suit coat is a defibrillator because he might have a somewhat defective heart beat. Most believe he was simply wired for the debates because he could not be trusted on his own. Still another idea, based upon his appearance and performance, is that he simply wants to get it over with and get out. He is tired, the work is hard, and he’s just had it. At least one intelligent observer I know thinks he may be having a nervous breakdown. I have no idea if any of this is even remotely true and, frankly, am skeptical. But it is true that he did not take his annual physical in August and has postponed it until after the election. They claim he has just been too busy, and perhaps that is true. But what if this is not true?

For the remainder of the campaign Bush/Cheney will continue to simply bad-mouth Kerry as they having nothing positive to run on, the Republicans will resort to their usual dirty tricks and more, everything will become increasingly negative if not absolutely vile, and the voting public will have to demonstrate that they actually have brains and integrity or not. Personally, I see Republican rats deserting a sinking ship in increasing numbers. Even Republicans, at least some of them, must still have some sense of decency and honesty. At least I hope so.

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