Friday, October 22, 2004

Please, Mama

The Program on International Policy Attitudes has concluded that Bush/Cheney supporters are virtually detached from reality. They continue to believe that Sadam Hussein had something to do with 9-11 and with supporting terrorists even though it has now been established that these beliefs are totally without foundation. This does not come as news for me as I have believed for the past three and a half years that anyone who could support Bush/Cheney, by definition, must be divorced from reality.

What I find absolutely fascinating, however, is that 11% more women supported Al Gore than men. And this is predicted to be true for the coming election. If this is true, what on earth could be the explanation? Bush is a loser in every sense of the word. He has failed at every opportunity he has had. Failed as a businessman, failed as an oilman, failed as a member of the National Guard, and failed dismally as President. So why would men vote for him? Someone suggested to me that it is really quite simple: men are more stupid than women. Perhaps that is so. Are men really taken in by the fake macho, swaggering bully John Wayne imitation? The all hat no cattle pretense? The anti-intellectual mangling of the English language? The litany of lies that emanate from his mouth on a daily basis?

John Kerry is a genuine war hero, a decorated Vietnam veteran, a military man who distinguished himself on the battlefield, in spite of all the lies to the contrary. Bush is a draft dodging, priviledged draft dodger who stayed out of Vietnam because of his family’s influence. He says he didn’t ask to be exempt. Of course he didn’t ask to be exempt, he didn’t have to. It was just in the nature of the case that he would be, along with other wealthy Texans who received the same treatment.

So what kind of men would vote for this loser? Those who are guilty that they could not do what John Kerry did? Those who want to spite their wives? Those who somehow believe that tax cuts for the very wealthy are good for the economy? What? It is inconceivable to me than any reasonably intelligent man could possibly vote for George W. Bush. John Edwards is right, we do have two Americas. Actually we have more than that. We are divided, rich and poor, men and women, fundamentalists and the more sensible, those who want to return to the Middle Ages and those who want to enter the twenty-first century. Bush/Cheney could care less, they are only concerned with profits for Halliburton and General Electric.

Please mama, HELP!

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