Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Still Roviating Obama

Egyptian woman granted divorce
when husband refuses to bathe,
claiming he’s allergic to water.

roviate v. to smear, slime, malign, denigrate, and attempt to destroy an opponent through the use of innuendo, rumor, slander, outright lies and any other despicable means available. Roviation works more effectively when done in collusion with major media.

I have been wondering for quite some time what Karl Rove was doing. For a while you didn’t hear much about him and he was apparently maintaining a relatively low profile. I always suspected he was behind the scenes involved in some form of devious, dishonest, disgusting business. As the Tea Party has claimed to be a grass-roots phenomenon, even though we know it is not, and as it has become so relatively large with many wealthy sponsors, it has been hard to see the clear hand of Rove in it. Now, however, he has exposed himself clearly. His claim that Obama has an “enemy’s list,” is such a signature Rovian touch there is no longer any doubt about his involvement. One of Rove’s classic maneuvers is to take someone’s strength and try to change it into his weakness. You will recall this is precisely what they did with John Kerry, a war hero challenged as a fake by Rove and the gang of sleazy liars (the “Swift Boaters) he assembled to challenge Kerry’s courage, bravery, and even his medals. By claiming Obama has an enemy’s list Rove is suggesting Obama is engaged in the same hateful, revengeful behavior of Richard Nixon. It seems to me there can be little doubt about Rove’s involvement in the Tea Party movement. It is a massive case of roviation. The accusations are outrageous: Obama is a Kenyan, a Muslim, a Socialist, Communist, Fascist monster who is going to take away our guns, at one point even our fishing rights, and so on. The thing about roviation is that it doesn’t matter if it has any substance or not, you just lie, exaggerate, sling mud, and say any outrageous thing you want and get people, especially the gullible, to believe one or another of these terrible falsehoods. Whether Rove is personally behind this movement or not it is clearly the technique he seems to have made not only acceptable to Republicans but even fashionable.

There is an even more despicable strategy at work in the case of Obama. I don’t know if Rove had a hand in the decision to just say “no” to everything Obama attempted, but I would not be at all surprised to learn that he did. The Republicans announced immediately after Obama was elected they would not cooperate, they wanted him to fail, and they would be the party not only of “no,” but of “hell no.” They have lived up to this procedure even to the point of putting our nation itself at risk. Having blocked any attempt by Obama to improve things, they now vociferously complain that he has done nothing. Actually he has done quite a lot considering this wholehearted attempt to bring him down. The Republican Party and the corporations they represent wanted Obama to fail, have prevented him from succeeding, and now, in a show of unprecedented hypocrisy, blame him for his inability to accomplish what he wanted. Their single-minded lust for power and their greed has led us into a situation so intolerable many have lost hope for the future. Having engineered this near collapse of our country they want us to believe it is Obama’s fault rather than theirs. And they also want us to believe that only they, the very people that caused our tragic situation, will be able to save us. There are signs that an American public may be falling for this outrageous claim. If this is so, P.T. Barnum’s claim “there is a sucker born every minute,” is true. He forgot to mention there are two or more Republicans ready to fleece him.

Now, with the help of a dishonest and partisan Supreme Court, Rove and Associates have created a scheme guaranteed to bring about the Fascist state they have long desired. The marriage of corporations and government is virtually complete. Corporate donors, even foreign ones, can provide virtually unlimited funds to Republicans, which they are apparently doing. The sources of these funds do not have to be disclosed, and so it is that now we have no idea who is funding anything, including the obvious attempt of the Republican Party to become the only party in the U.S. and rule according to the dictates of Big Oil, Big Agriculture, Big Pharmaceuticals, Big Banks, Big Insurance, and what have you. Needless to say, these interests are diametrically opposed to the interests of ordinary citizens and the middle class. It is now literally true that a vote for Republicans is a vote for Fascism.


As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.
George Washington

Playing cards were known in China as early as the 9th century.

1 comment:

mscriver said...

Your neighbor Paul commended your blog to me. He has relatives in Valier, MT, where I am. I asked him to vouch for me and ask if I could have your email number so I could talk to you about a manuscript on writing on the poetics of worship. One of my examples for analysis is a Umeda cassowary ceremony and I see that you are a New Guinea anthro. I started this paper at the University of Chicago where I earned an MA in Religious Studies. Paul can tell you more, or my own blog is at www. prairiemary.blogspot.com. I'm just afraid he might not remember and I know he has a lot to do.

Mary Scriver