Friday, October 15, 2010

Republican Contempt

North Carolina woman arrested
when her missing boyfriend’s
body is found in her freezer.

It should be perfectly obvious by now that Republicans have nothing but contempt for our nation and its ordinary citizens. The latest clue (as if any more were necessary) comes from their support of Sharron Angle, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and others on the extreme fringe. I heard they said they would even support Christine O’Donnell if she could demonstrate enough fund raising appeal. Some of their candidates, especially the Tea Party candidates, might remotely be considered as Senatorial material, but others are just downright kooks of one kind or another. What this means, if you think about it, is the sad fact that Republicans could care less about our country and whose hands might be on the throttle. They are so greedy for power they are willing to sacrifice the well-being of our very nation. They are willing and eager to support candidates no matter how ignorant, how extreme, how unqualified, how unprepared, and how even barely sane or retarded. Is this a good thing for our government, our country? We had a good glimpse of this attitude when John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate, a woman virtually unknown, who was completely unqualified to be Vice-President and perhaps President. It is also apparent in their enthusiasm to be the party of “no” and oppose everything President Obama wanted to do, irrespective of whether it was good for the country or not. Further evidence can be seen in their enthusiasm for accepting money from anonymous donors, even if they are foreign companies. This is clearly a terrible thing for our country, to allow foreigners to influence our elections and policies that are obviously not in the best interest of our citizens is little more than a variety of national suicide. Republicans just don’t care, they are overwhelmingly on the side of corporations and completely opposed to American workers. These huge corporations already have incomes that exceed that of most nations, if this is allowed to continue, nations and national interests will become virtually irrelevant. If they can buy our elections, as they are currently attempting to do, the marriage of corporations and government, Benito Mussolini’s Fascist dream, will have come true.

Silly Sarah, whom you might well think is herself the number one denizen of some fantastic “Unicorn Ranch,” has now proclaimed the Democrats are living in such a place. But can there be any more of a whirling whirlwind of chaotic fantasy than that surrounding the Republican Party and their Tea Party contingent? Is this truly not a fantastic web of lies, half-truths, wishful thinking, downright ignorance, absurd claims, and foolish babbling? I’m not a witch, reduce taxes, do away with education, the Chinese have a plan, masturbation is adultery, do away with energy, no abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, the lord will provide a solution, minimum wage is unconstitutional, amend the 14th amendment, e-mail dirty pictures, teach creationism, mice have fully functioning human brains, evolution is a myth, leave health care up to the free market, Obama is a Kenyan, Obama is a socialist, my opponent is a Marxist, do away with public schools, exercise our 2nd amendment rights, only ask me questions I want to answer, I’ve got Hannity in my back pocket, Obama is the anti-Christ, privatize social security, do away with Obamacare, Obama is a Muslim, a communist, the worst President ever, preserve DADT, no Gay marriage, Gays can be cured, fortify the borders, unemployment benefits make people lazy, private businesses should be able to discriminate, no amnesty, no Mosques, the Muslims are establishing Shari’a law, bomb Iran, Reagan was a saint, government is the problem, the fetus is a “pre-person,” we didn’t come armed (this time), and on and on and on in a gigantic feverish whirlwind of absolute nonsensical gibberish, a mélange of verbal garbage, a diatribe of hate, racism, and misunderstanding, the siren song of the crazies, the true language of the fantasy Unicorn ranch. This is what now passes for political discourse here in the USA.

Why would anyone even allow this to happen, allow people so extreme and In some cases so apparently incompetent, ignorant, and unbalanced, to run for high public offices? Why was the Tea Party able to override the wishes of the more moderate Republican base? Why do they now support such foolishness? How has what once was a more or less respectable political party allowed itself to fall so low? Money is of course a large part of it. It really doesn’t matter anymore who is in office as whoever it is will do the bidding of their corporate masters. You might as well have robots in office, in fact they would probably be better and not cost so much. And they would have just as much empathy for ordinary citizens as the current crop of Republicans.

I am not usually into fear, one way or another, but I am fearful now. I am afraid. I think any person who values freedom and the right to a decent job at a decent wage, a reasonable middle-class status, at least a taste of the pleasure of life, should be afraid. The hoofbeats of Fascism are getting louder and coming closer at an alarming rate.

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.
George Carlin

Mink oil is used to treat, preserve, and waterproof leather.

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