Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rolling in Dough

Atheists line up,
submit to hair dryer
to be de-baptized.

All that money available out there will just go to waste if Democrats don’t wake up and do something sensible, like allowing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to expire. They can also end the ridiculous subsidies for oil companies who are making more money than most nations. They certainly do not need subsidies for their all-out attack on our planet. I don’t know exactly how much money would be involved by revoking the tax cuts and the subsidies but I’m pretty certain it would go a very long way to pay off our enormous debts. Of course if you also added in the many billions wasted on the Pentagon we’d be rolling in dough. We might even be able to help our citizens with one thing and another, like eating, housing, health care, stuff like that. Maybe we could save a little more if we stopped the Israelis from stealing from Daddy’s purse. Then if you added in all the money that could be saved from getting out of Afghanistan and Iraq we’d be rich once again, rich beyond our wildest dreams. If the “empire” was shut down we’d probably drown in our own money in a fortnight. We could pave the streets with gold. Here we have this enormous potential to get out of debt, rebuild our country, restore the middle class, and avoid third or even fourth world status, but of course it will never happen. Democrats and Republicans are united in their support of the capitalistic corporate state, the pursuit of profits, and maintaining the pretense of democracy in our increasingly fascist society.

I don’t ordinarily like engaging in postmortems or “what ifs,” but occasionally I can’t help it. Somewhere today I saw something about what things would be like had Al Gore been allowed to win as opposed to Bush. Obviously it is hard to say, but I think you can sure we would not have illegally and criminally attacked Iraq and thus would have avoided many of the problems we now face (you have to use your imagination). I also think it safe to say we would be much further along in saving our increasingly endangered planet as well as our own country. Whatever you might think of Gore he surely would not have been as incompetent as Bush (as if anyone could have been that incompetent). However much you might not have liked either Nixon or Reagan they were at least somewhat “Presidential” compared to Bush, who ruled more like the village idiot, repeating things he obviously did not completely understand in a language that only somewhat resembled English. Oh well, what if?

While on the what ifs, what if Obama and Holder had launched a detailed investigation of the Bush/Cheney war crimes as they should have? I think they are even required by law to do so. As it is Bush/Cheney have admitted to some of their crimes (torture) and others are self-evident as, for example, lying us into a pre-emptive war against a country that was no threat to us (the most fundamental war crime of all). Now this band of criminals is trying to disappear into the woodwork like the disgusting criminal insects they are, and will probably never be held accountable for the millions of deaths and the untold misery they caused. Whatever I might otherwise think of Obama I will never be able to completely forgive him for this act of political cowardice.

I think the case of Al Franken is an interesting one of role reversal. You may remember that when he was running for the Senate he was disparaged as just being a comedian and many people, especially Republicans, did not want to take him seriously. It turns out, ironically enough, that Franken is a serious and gifted Senator while his Republican critics remain the same silly clowns they have always been.

There is an interesting (perhaps not really interesting) argument going on about whether the Teaparty is racist or not. If the racist signs some of them carry are not enough to answer the question, consider that they are really part of the Republican Party, granted the most extreme part, and as such are of course racist. The whole Republican strategy in the period AR (after Reagan) depends upon the south and southern votes and that is clearly predicated on racism however much they may try to deny it. To ask if the Teaparty is racist is like asking if “bears do it in the wood.”

If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
George Aiken

TILT: The musky odor of Musk Oxen is used to attract females during the breeding season.

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