Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama and torture

Jealous rage and simple
misunderstanding result in
death of innocent woman.

Since 1997, June 26th has been set aside as a day to reflect on and help victims of torture. Leaders from around the globe usually make statements condemning torture. This certainly put Obama in an awkward situation. He had to make a statement condemning torture while at the same time doing absolutely nothing to hold our already confessed torturers accountable. I absolutely cannot understand Obama’s refusal to go along with a Truth Commission or Independent Investigator or whatever. Bush/Cheney have admitted to torture and even go around boasting about it and how effective it was. Both Obama and Holder have said waterboarding is torture. They know it happened. They know who authorized it. They know other forms of torture were also involved. And yet they do nothing about it. I find this not only impossible to understand but also infuriating. More importantly, as I understand it, their failure to take action on this is both illegal and unconstitutional, and in effect makes them also guilty. I might be able to understand Obama’s failure to end don’t ask, don’t tell, I might also forgive him for his opposition to gay marriage, his failure to act on gun control, and perhaps even his inaction towards ending the ridiculous war on drugs. But I will never forgive him if he fails to deal with the war criminals flaunting their crimes right in front of him, never. Furthermore, if he doesn’t take action against Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/et al, I will never vote for him again even if he solves the economic crisis, gets universal health care, ends all the wars, and walks on water. What he is doing (or failing to do) is not only illegal and unconstitutional, it is immoral. Politics may trump morality for our current administration and Congress, but it doesn’t for me.

Of course we don’t have to concern ourselves with this, or much of anything else, because we’ll always have Michael Jackson (for no doubt a very long time), and also (at least for a while) Governor Sanford, who is now comparing himself to King David of biblical fame. Appealing to the bible seems to be one of the standard practices for these hypocrites when they get caught. I guess they think they deserve to be forgiven because they read (or have read) the bible at some time or other. This actually seems to work in some cases. I’ll be surprised if it works for Sanford.
Are there still fools who listen to that fat bucket of slop, Rush Limbaugh? I mean, really, he has become so far out and divorced from reality that I would think anyone would see it by now. His latest blathering pig pucky is that Obama caused Sanford to cheat on his wife in Argentina. How pathetic does someone have to become before being abandoned? And why does the media keep giving time to hopeless creeps like Coulter, Hannity, Beck, and Gingrich?

I suspect that Rachel Maddow’s absence from her show last night and tonight was purely serendipitous, but I would like to think that she simply refused to go along with the Michael Jackson marathon. My TV viewing for some time now has been Olberman/Maddow and Stewart/Colbert, but I think it is about to become just Maddow and Colbert. Maybe I can eventually give it up entirely. Oh, happy day!

I seek an
innocent country.
Giuseppe Ungaretti

The adults of cutworms are night flying moths that do no damage.

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