Sunday, November 16, 2008


I just watched the 60 minute interview with Barack and Michelle Obama. I cannot imagine a finer, more intelligent, more down-to-earth and pleasant couple. I am so proud of my country for overcoming our years of savage and unremitting racism and voting for a black (and white) President. They are going to make a marvelous first couple and we should all be proud of them. Barack Obama has the potential to become one of our greatest Presidents and certainly has greater problems to face that most Presidents in the past (apart from FDR). We should not allow the surviving Brafia to try to bring him down as they did with Bill Clinton. If we all pull together we may in fact overcome the disastrous nightmare years of Bush/Cheney.

One of the peculiarities of American speech that has always amazed me, by its total lack of precision, but commonplace usage, is the phrase “everybody knows,” or “everybody does,” or “everybody feels,” or everybody.something or other. We hear this all the time, and not just in Everybody Loves Raymond. Everybody knows that America is a “center-right” country. First of all it is obvious that not everybody even knows what center-right refers to, and secondly, if they knew it, it would certainly be the case that not everybody would think so. How about “everybody loves apple pie?” I, for one, do not love apple pie, although I will eat it if served to me. Sometimes these claims are so outrageous that no one takes them seriously, recognizing it is just a figure of speech, and some of these claims are somewhere closer to the truth than others. “Everybody votes,” would not be taken seriously, but how about “everybody loves a winner” (even this is questionable because everybody loves a good loser?). Everybody loves Obama would not be taken literally, of course. What about “everybody values their freedom?” It seems to me if this were literally true no one would get married or agree to go into debt. “Everybody loves democracy,” is questionable because millions of people have never experienced democracy and don’t understand what it is. While we might want to believe that “everybody loves America,” it is pretty obvious this is not the case. Thus every time you hear someone say everyone…, you know it is not true. But people say these things all the time, and all the time we think to ourselves, “that is not true,” but only occasionally do we bother to challenge the speaker. It seem to be the case that if it is something that you, yourself love, you are much more apt to believe it (even then you know that realistically it is not true). So we go on year after year making these grandiose pronouncements that we know are false, and our listeners let them go unchallenged even though they don’t believe them. It’s like a conspiracy to avoid thought or reality at all costs, where opinions replace facts and conversation can proceed uninterruptedly. Once when I was riding in a car with a woman friend, she suddenly announced, “everybody loves prunes.” I looked at her with disbelief but said nothing. After a pause she said, “well, some people like prunes.” I remained politely silent. Then, after a long pause, she continued with a sigh, “well, I like prunes.” An honest woman, were there more like her.

There is a flip side to this strange speech phenomena as well. Just this afternoon someone said to me “nobody like the Vikings” (the football team). I said, foolishly, of course, some people like the Vikings, they are their home team. We were both aware we were just making conversation, drivel, that is. But you find the same transparent falsehoods when saying “nodody likes…” as you do when saying everybody likes…”Nobody likes a dictator.” How about those who support dictators? “Nobody likes okra” (I am srongly inclined to believe this). “Nobody likes B.O.” (there are millions of people who don’t even think about B.O.). “Nobody likes a crook” (except his mother or those who profit by him). “Nobody likes Bush” (except for the roughly 28% who apparently do. And I guess Laura must like him, too). “Nobody likes a bully” (I think this may be pretty close to as universal as we can get). “Nobody likes Thomas Woolf (any more, except those who do still like him and form groups to discuss him, etc.). “Nobody likes a loser,” except those who do. “Nobody likes Dick Cheney” (a truism?). How about “nobody likes people who waste their time with nonsense” (I apologize, it’s Sunday).

Where, by the way, is Warshington? John McCain and others speak of this place all the time.

Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us.
Henrik Tikkanen

TILT: Swiss cheese is called that in the U.S. because it resembles Swiss Emmental.


Anonymous said...

On the Issue of Obama vs Bush

I respectfully disagree that Obama is going to bring good to this country, and it has nothing to do with race.

Why Bush Has Been Such a Disaster

He is owned by everyone. His business career was built by powerful interests behind the scenes. Virtually every one of his business ventures was a disaster. His political career was built in the same way through the actions of the unseen hand. It is no accident that Bush set records for raising money for his election campaigns. This money came from powerful corporate interests who knew that Bush would do their bidding for a price. He owed them for this, and as a result, he did their bidding.

Why Obama Will Also be a Disaster

Obama is even "more owned" by everyone than Bush. His career was also built by interests behind the scenes. He has led an undistinguished career where he did each job for a few years, achieved absolutely nothing and made no distinguishing marks, and was inexplicably promoted to a higher level. He remained at the next level for a few years where, once again, he failed to achieve anything of note, and was then pushed up to the next higher level. Repeat this process several times, and all of a sudden, he is elected as President of the USA, having no track record of which to speak. On top of this, Obama blew away all prior fundraising records by raising nearly $1 TRILLION dollars, and a lot of it came from covert overseas sources. This money represents powerful corporate and multinational interests to whom Obama is indebted, and as a result, he will do their bidding above all else. Remember, follow the money.

So, what will the controllers require of Obama? The same thing as they required of Bush. War and plunder. He will promise that it will be for the best of intentions - to protect the American people, but that is not how it will play out. The plunder will flow into the hands of his behind-the-scenes controllers adn their companies, and Americans will become poorer and less free.

The People Behind the Scenes

Beware of the people behind Obama. Pay particular attention to Zbigniew Brzezinski and his minions. He may bring war to this world in a way that few people can. He may have a borderline pathological psychiatric obsession with fighting and containing Russia, and he may stop at nothing to bring his obsession to fruition. Brzezinski is the key man who is responsible for the current state of the world concerning islamic terrorism and violent jihad.

He served as National Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s, and by Brzezinski's own words, he was responsible for the Russian War in Afghanistan. Most people think that the Russians invaded at their own whim. In fact, it was Brzezinski's plan for the US to arm and train Islamic Militants in Afghanistan BEFORE the Russians invaded (not after) in order to lure the Russians into attacking Afghanistan. This prompted a long, bloody war in Afghanistan.

It also was the beginning of the US policy to arm and train Islamic Militants throughout the region to be used as proxies by the US against Russia. Unfortunately, the US lost control of these fundamentalist militants and they ended up gaining enough momentum to overthrow Iran in 1979 and set up an Islamic fundamentalist regime. The new fundamentalist regime in Iran began to stir up trouble among the Shia minority in Iraq, threatening revolution in Iraq. As a result, Iraq invaded Iran in 1980, and thus began the 8 year Iran-Iraq War that cost over a million lives.

The US then decided that Iran had become so dangerous and destabilizing to the entire middle east that it must assist Iraq and build up their military to act as a counter to Iran. Thus began our involvement with Iraq, and we are still dealing with this issue.

So, the results of the policy decisions of a single man have been with the world for several decades. Just as his prior actions have affected billions of people around the world for three decades, I fully expect his upcoming manipulations will bring the same or worse consequences for the future of the world. We are right back where Brzezinski last left us: Iran is strong and threatening the peace of the world, Iraq is weak and subject to Iran's hostile intentions, and Obama has already said that he is going to focus on Afghanistan. I can almost guarantee that he is going to dramatically ramp up military operations in Afghanistan. Why? He may use Afghanistan as a proxy to intimidate Russia and coerce Russia to do what he wants. The playbook has not changed in three decades!

I can assure you that we are going to get change with Obama, but I am afraid that this change will be a dramatic increase in war and plunder. Bush has laid the foundations, and Obama will follow in his footsteps in order to take it to the next level.

Oh, and I did not even mention all of the high level administration officials who are dual citizens with other countries with massive conflicts of interest. I wonder how this will affect administration policy?

On the Issue of "Everybody [blank] and Nobody [blank]"

Yes. I could not agree more. Intellectual sloth is one the greatest dangers facing the world. We must always challenge assumptions and prove out the truth of all things. If we fail to do this, we will be the perpetual victims of ruthless manipulators.

Anonymous said...

Typo: Change $1 TRILLION to $1 BILLION