Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More stonewalling

It is clear that Abramoff had extensive and direct ties to the White House. But of course the White House is refusing to provide any information about how he acquired access, how many meetings, with whom, and etc. The classic White House procedure when threatened with having to confess to anything. They always assume, and so far usually prove correct, that the attention span of the public is so short they will soon forget and this will gradually disappear just like Gannon/Guckert and others. We don't have to worry about the attention span of the MSM as they will refuse to even acknowledge the problem.

Hooray for Max Baucus, Democratic Senator from Montana, who has announced that he will not vote for Alito in spite of his impeccable credentials. Alito, Baucus says, is not good for Montana and not good for the country.

Bobb Barr, Grover Nordquist, and a number of other right wingers have apparently demanded an investigation of Bush's attempts to wiretap and spy without proper warrants. They claim to be very upset about what is going on. Let us sincerely hope they are serious about this and not just putting us on.

And isn't it interesting that at the very moment there are lawsuits and serious questions about Bush's attempt to assume dictatorial powers the Republicans are trying to hurry up the vote to install Alito, who is already known to have sided with the idea of Presidential power. Lunacy, I say. And if the Democrats don't filibuster in this clear cut case I fear all may be lost. Don't bet they will.

I remind you again that Al Gore, who has served his country honorably all of his adult life, as a Congressman, Senator, and Vice President, gave a major speech questioning the present administration's attempt to grab unwarranted and unconstitutional powers, and was completely ignored by the main stream media. I find this disgusting beyond belief. The MSM have continued to marginalize anyone who speaks out against Bush/Cheney. What do you hear from the MSM about Dean? Roberts? Gore? Kusinich? The MSM is enemy number one as far as democracy is concerned. No democracy can flourish or succeed without an informed public. The so-called fourth estate in the U.S. has failed us miserably and unconscionably. Protect the internet at all costs, it is about all that's left.

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