Friday, November 13, 2009

Just Politics

Swedish woman arrested for
attempting to strangle co-worker
for wearing strong perfume.

Is it stupidity, ignorance, fear, insanity, or just politics as usual for Republicans? The response of Republicans to the news that four of the 9/11 terrorists will be tried in the United States (presumably New York) has to be all politics. They have to know that we have tried terrorists in the U.S. many times and that our civilian courts are well up to the task. They have to know that the chances any of these guys will end up on the streets of our cities are nonsensical. They have to know that our prisons already contain terrorists and that they are virtually escape proof. They have to know that these men have been held in prison without being charged for eight years. They have to know the U.S., at least in principle, stands for truth and justice for all. And they also have to know that the attack on 9/11 was not truly an act of “war,” but, rather, basically a criminal act of unusual scope and significance. If they do not know these things they are either stupid or ignorant, or both. And if they are as truly fearful of these prisoners as they claim to be, they are no more mature than schoolgirls fearing to cross the street or encountering the boogyman. Their objections to the Attorney General’s announcement are just another example of being opposed to anything Obama or his administration wants to do, no matter how right or just or proper it might be. John McCain ought to know, if he doesn’t, that these four defendants are not “soldiers” fighting in a “war.” They do not represent any country or nation or political entity that could properly be called an organized polity that could wage war against another country. For McCain to claim otherwise is just as phony as his pick for Vice-President.

You might think in a case of this kind Republicans would be every bit as interested in doing the right thing and seeing justice prevail as all the rest of the country. But, no, all they are interested in is seeing Obama (and by implication our country) fail, so they can somehow return to power and again let the corporations and obscenely wealthy keep us all in wage and credit card slavery. I keep telling myself these Republicans cannot possibly be as stupid or crazy as they appear, but each day they do something to make me have to reconsider. I am beginning to believe they will not rest until they have forced a revolution or destroyed the planet, or both.

Sarah Palin’s book will be out next week. I pray the gods will be merciful enough so that we will not have to suffer it very long. Bits have been leaked and it is already pretty clear that much of what she says is either false or trivial. I do not intend to read it (having suffered enough from the Palin “phenomenon” already). Although I haven’t read it, and won’t, I would be willing to bet there is nothing of substance in it, in spite of Limbaugh’s claim, and reading it will be nothing but a waste of time (certainly no one in their right mind would actually purchase it). No need to buy it, you can be sure we’ll hear all about it over and over and over on the 7/24 infotainment networks. The very idea that anyone, anywhere, anyway, in any circumstances, could possibly believe Palin is “Presidential material” makes me shudder, my blood run cold, and the few hairs left on my head stand up in fright. I think this is the most terrifying possibility I have encountered in all of my years, to say nothing of the most ridiculous.

With the news that the 9/11 criminals are going to be tried comes now a lot of talk about how we are a nation of laws, seeking justice, and accountability and blah, blah, blah. So why are we not investigating and prosecuting the known war criminals in our midst, war criminals still walking around, making speeches, getting awards, making big bucks, even criticizing our current administration? Most of the major details of the Bush/Cheney criminal activity are already known, torture, for example, they have already admitted, and their lies for starting an illegal “war” have been exposed for all to see. So if we are a nation of laws, and if our law and constitution require that we take action against such criminals, why are we not doing so? The misery these two criminals have caused should get them, at an absolute, minimum, eternal damnation.

Armies march by tower and spire
Of cities blazing, in the fire;
Till as I gaze with staring eyes,
The armies fall, the lustre dies.

From a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson

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