Monday, September 29, 2008

Grand theft narrowly averted

Grandmother steals car, flees police,
arrested, threatens to sue car owners
for tempting her with neglected keys.

A massive theft of taxpayer money was narrowly averted today when some Congresspersons up for re-election became terrified because their constituents were 25 to 1 against the bailout. Voters spoke and for once someone listened. It seems that the voting public has finally caught on to the Brafia scams that have been going on for the past eight years.

This bailout scheme was probably the grandest scam ever attempted. The Bush/Cheney bunch of gangster tried their usual use of fear and panic to stampede us into giving Paulson complete control of 700 billion dollars all by himself, no supervision, no challenges, no questions to be asked. And we were told that if this was not passed immediately the sky would fall, the sun would fail to rise, and the world would come to an immediate end. But, having gotten away with this kind of fear mongering and panic- making in the past, this time it failed. Some Congresspersons actually read the proposal (after all it was only three and a half pages) and saw just what a complete and utter robbery was being planned. But, of course, everyone agreed that something had to be done immediately if not sooner. So, they tried to piece together a proposal that no one liked but presumably would agree on “for the good of the country.” Democrats promised so many votes and the Brafia did likewise, except when it came down to the real nitty-gritty the Brafia welched. Everyone was shocked, shocked I tell you, when this scam failed. No one liked it but it was the only scam going. Now assuming that the world doesn’t end tomorrow (a Jewish holiday so Congress can’t work), they will meet again on Thursday to try again. As everyone seems to agree that they must do something they will no doubt come up with a revised plan that will probably only rob the taxpayers 80 or 90 percent of what the original called for. Do you think they will forge a plan that will make those who have benefitted so royally for the past eight years actually have to contribute to the solution. Don’t be silly. Remember that when there is big money involved they are all on the take and they are not about to kill the corporate geese that lay the golden eggs.

But first we will have to endure the finger pointing and accusations that will fly from both sides. The Brafia will claim it’s all the Democrats fault, especially Pelosi and Obama, while the Democrats will claim it’s all McCain’s fault (too much time has passed for it to be blamed on Clinton). You might think that McCain would feel a bit sheepish, having announced just prior to the failure that he had negotiated the whole deal and what was going to save the world. But having no shame whatsoever, McCain will now try to claim that it was his efforts that queered the deal. He is dauntless. When Palin publicly stated that she agreed with Obama that we should be able to invade Pakistan if necessary, contrary to what McCain’s position has been, he actually said it didn’t count because she was merely talking to a voter (figure that out if you can).

No matter how you try to spin it, the McCain campaign has been nothing more than a Keystone Cops performance. He shifts his positions by the hour, demonstrates his confusion over virtually every issue that arises, tries to avoid the issues at all costs, shamelessly attacks Obama, and, worst of all, picks Sarah Palin as his running mate (soul-mate as he calls it). She, in turn, has said that she really looks forward to her debate with Biden on Thursday, having demonstrated in her interviews to date that she is a true know-nothing who has become a laughingstock. At least she doesn’t lack confidence. Of course by now the expectations for her are so low that if she actually is still breathing at the end of the 90 minutes they will claim a victory.

It is probably too late for McCain to replace Palin on the ticket. Who could he turn to even if he tried. I can’t imagine there is anyone who is anyone who would volunteer for such a task at this late date. McCain has no choice now except to try to bluff it out, insist that Palin is qualified, a “quick learner” and up to the job. There are apparently a few that actually believe this. I saw a bumper sticker today that said simply “Sarah.” It might as well have said “I am a complete moron.” But that’s the way it goes. Will we survive all this? All appears to be chaos. At least one ultra-conservative writer has suggested that Palin should drop out for the good of the country. I suggest that McCain ought to do the same but, then, he has demonstrated no interest in the country and Palin probably doesn’t even understand what it all means.

To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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