Saturday, August 09, 2008

Enough is enough is enough!

The animal terrorist attacks continue. Now there is another report of a woman mauled by a Grizzly in a park near Anchorage, supposedly a sow with two cubs, although she has not been found. Authorities suspect this is the same bear that attacked the cyclist a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know what evidence they might have. Perhaps she is a ringleader in the ongoing revolution. Also now a report on a cougar who burst through a window and destroyed a room in a house (before being killed, of course). Tigers in zoos have been acting up lately as well. Even worms are now entering the fray. Somewhere (California, I think) millions of worms are invading their human neighbors territory in search of new sustenance. This had better stop soon. As the evidence mounts, I am coming to actually believe in my animal conspiracy theory. Do I believe that Dick the Slimy was behind the anthrax attacks? Maybe..

There was a most interesting program on CNN this afternoon featuring Christian Amanpour, one of my favorites. Called God’s Warriors, it was about Israel and the Palestinians. It was probably intended to be “fair and balanced,” but there is just no way the Israelis can be portrayed as fair, not in any sense of the word, or in any stretch of the imagination. Here is Ms. Amanpour reciting a litany of Israeli offenses against international law and the Palestinians, just reporting them factually, exposing them to the world, which now understands that the Israelis have been systematically and illegally taking over Palestinian land all these many years, and also exposing how it is that no one, including the U.S., will try to do anything to stop it. You know the old canard about the Jews controlling the world, well, they certainly control the U.S. when it comes to anything having to do with Israel. It is hard to argue with anyone when it comes to why they are doing what they are when their only explanation is that “God intended it.” Of course if you dare to criticize them in any way you are immediately accused of anti-Semitism. I have never thought of myself as anti-Semitic. There were no Jews where I grew up, or if there were I was totally unaware of them. I don’t think I even met anyone who identified themselves as Jewish until I was into my twenties. I don’t like to think of myself now as anti-Semitic. However, when they tell me that God intended them to take Palestinian lands (with the brutality and killing that entails), they are certainly pushing me to the brink. The only saving grace in all of this is that I know that not all Israelis are in favor of what their right-wing government is doing.

The National Enquirer has now apparently gone mainstream. The MSM just cannot get enough of this John Edwards “scandal.” It’s all over the news again today, even in spite of the Olympics. Detail after detail of how the reporter followed him to the hotel, confronted him, how he ran and hid in the men’s room, and who knows where all it will eventually lead, especially the claim that he is the father of his paramour's child. I wonder if anyone thought to ask him if he smoked afterwards. Ho hum, I say. I’d much rather hear about whether or not we’re going to attack Iran, how foolishly we might intervene in Russia’s affairs, how stupidly we’re going to continue in Afghanistan, whether the MSM is ever going to make clear just how badly McCain is lying about Obama’s tax proposals, or any one of hundreds, even thousands, of important things that I assume must be going on somewhere in the world. I really, truly, do not want to hear any more about John Edwards cheating on his wife (whether she has cancer or not). Next they are likely to tell me that Obama had an affair with a Polar Bear and they had a black cub. Enough is enough is enough. Let’s get this stupid election over with, get rid of the war criminals, and try to move the country back into something at least faintly resembling normal. I think I am rapidly reaching my breaking point. Once many years ago I saw written on a bathroom wall,”Please help Peter Rabbit. Please.” I think I am just now beginning to understand that.

What is Keith Olberman so upset about? Just because there is an interrogation room in the White House and they are now known to have created a forged letter to help along with all the other lies they told us to drag us into an unnecessary “war,” and just because we now know they ordered torture, and they have been robbing us blind for the past eight years, and, and, and….Calm down, Keith, they are not going to call a special session of Congress to impeach Cheney (or Bush). You expect them to return from their vacation just for that? Silly man.

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.
Horace Walpole

1 comment:

Watch 'n Wait said...

M...Ah, what a relief to read your sensible and sane comments.