Saturday, February 09, 2008

More nonsense

There is just no end to the nonsense that characterizes human behavior. Sometimes it is rather amusing but more often than not it’s just plain stupid. Take, for example, the recent detailed study of Barack Obama’s youthful drug use. It turns out that it was virtually non-existent. Interviews with those who went to school with him and knew him indicate clearly that at worst he seems to have dabbled with marijuana. He is described as a serious young man with no problems with drugs, focused on his studies, and so on. So…referring back to his book it is being suggested that he might have exaggerated his experiments with drugs in order to make it more interesting and increase sales. Perhaps he did. But not content with such speculation, and chagrined at not being able to characterize him as a drug-crazed teen-ager, they now want to say he is a liar! So now Barack’s image is torn between being a fine upstanding serious young man or a liar. Human beings are strange creatures indeed. One might wonder why they even bothered about his so-called drug use, given the fact that our current occupant in the White House was admittedly a drunkard and a cocaine user (he’s been forgiven). Obama won’t find any forgiveness for anything he might have done when the roviaters start in on him.

Another thing that strikes me as amusing, although I’m sure many people will take it very seriously, is a headline I saw somewhere on an article that said, “U.S. doesn’t see a need for a second Iraqi nuclear plant.” Get that? The U.S. doesn’t see the need. One might ask just what business is it of ours whether they want a second plant or not. France has dozens of them and other nations have many more than two. What if the Iranians see a need for it? Oh, yeah, their perceptions and needs don’t count. It’s just another problem with the “white man’s burden.” These people just don’t know what’s good for themselves. We do, of course. We seem to know what’s good for everybody on earth (except, apparently and sadly, ourselves).

As I write this the election returns are coming in. It seems that Obama is winning Nebraska, Washington, and Louisiana, all by very large margins. And while it’s true he got a huge percentage of the black vote, it’s also true that blacks do not make up a large part of the populations in Nebraska or Washington, so he clearly isn’t just winning because of the black vote. Clinton is virtually being shut out when it comes to winning states even though she does claim California, Arizona, and New York. If this continues it is going to be most embarrassing for the Clintons no matter how many delegates they have. Bill Clinton suggested that electing Obama would be a roll of the dice (electing anyone, including Hillary, will be a roll of the dice as no one knows what they will actually do if they get the power). What I say is: “come seven, come eleven, baby needs a new pair of shoes.”

Having seen how difficult it is to conduct a caucus with 150 people, I don’t see how in the world you could conduct one with 1000 or 8000 people. This was never a problem before because there were always so few voters involved. If the trend continues I think we’ll have to give up on the caucus system. The turnout continues to be completely unprecedented everywhere. There is no doubt, people want change,
and they want it bad.

"There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin, as others from success."
Sir Winston Churchill

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