Sunday, August 19, 2007

War crimes and such

Article 2:1 of the UN Charter: "All members shall refrain from the threat of the use of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state."

As far as I know virtually every group that wishes to bring charges of war crimes against Bush/Cheney include war profiteering as one such crime. For example, the World War Crimes Tribunal: 14 "Exploitation of federal contracts for profiteering in the course of war." The Green party as well suggests that the conspiracy between oil giants and the U.S. government to exploit Iraqi oil is an example of war profiteering and therefore a war crime. Clearly war profiteering could come under other categories such as looting or plundering and would obviously be considered a war crime.

Of course Palestinians could be just as guilty of war crimes as Israelis. Why would anyone think otherwise?

What about aggressively and premptively attacking a sovereign nation that was not a threat? Killing innocent civilians? Torture? War crimes or not?

I fully expect to eventually hear Republicans argue that there cannot have been any war crimes because, technically, war was never declared. I guess the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the untold misery wrought was merely some kind of cosmic accident that would have occurred even without Bush/Cheney or any oil?

I do not believe that Karl Rove is an evil genius. I do believe he is evil. I say this because in his position of power for six and a half years he could have done many things to better the lives of Americans. I cannot think of one single thing he did for the public good. It's true that he helped the obscenely rich get even richer. I guess the rich think that's good. But it was done at the expense of everyone else, the not rich. Rove seemed to be interested in only one goal, that of furthering the power of the Republican party and trying to insure they would remain in sole control of the U.S. forever. Of course he also promoted a wishy-washy know-nothing candidate into the Presidency, certainly not a positive development in American history. He did not resign "to spend more time with his family." So why did he resign? What can we expect as an encore?

A very welcome break in the weather. It's actually cool here at Sandhill. There was rain. Not enough to do any good but rain nonetheless. I am reading a new book on Auschwitz. Interesting but depressing, of course.

"I am sure we do not want any fingers on the trigger. Least of all do we want a fumbling finger."
Sir Winston Churchill

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