Sunday, July 16, 2006

Madness in the air

There is madness in the air - war madness. Consider Gingrich who says we are already involved in WW111, Bush should admit it, and we should attack everyone in sight. What a great idea. With our military stretched thin beyond belief, the rest of the world not supportive, what we need is more war. Gee, I hope Gingrich will be the Republican candidate for president. We really need another warmonger leading us. Of course Gingrich is not alone in his desire to start (or acknowledge) WW111, at least two Democrats have suggested we attack North Korea and take out their missile facilities. Another great idea. Russia and China, who are against even sanctions on North Korea, I'm certain would jump on our war bandwagon. Where do we find these idiots?

And speaking of idiots. It was suggested to Condi Rice that perhaps our meddling in the Middle East, especially our "war" on Iraq might have something to do with the curent violence, she replied that it was a "grotesque idea." I guess as she lives on the planet "worship George" this is not surprising.

Israel seems to continue downing their stupid pills. After all these years they still seem to believe they will solve their problems with military force. As this has been going on for years and things are just as bad, or worse, now than ever, you might think they would get the picture. Of course Bush/Cheney are using their tactics now so we will have the same problems in Iraq thirty years from now as we are having now. I guess the threat of having a viable Palestinian state and a non-puppet government in Iraq is beyond their comprehension. In spite of their denials there is a civil war raging in Iraq and we are helpless to do anything about it, other than offer target practice to Iraqi snipers and bombers. So why don't we do the only sensible thing and get out of Iraq? Because like the monkey who reaches into the gourd with the banana and is too greedy to let it go, we just can't give up our pipe dream of controlling the Middle East. Don't worry, we'll be giving it up soon enough, permanent bases and billion dollar embassy be damned. In the meanwhile you can thank Bush/Cheney and the neocons for a wonderful experience.

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