Sunday, March 19, 2006

Permanent bases?

There will be no morialekafa on Monday. The Siren song of Seattle Seafood is just too strong to resist. See you again on Tuesday.

I keep insisting that the U.S. is building permanent bases in Iraq and has no intention of not maintaining them. Some keep insisting that we are not going to maintain a permanent presence and others insist that we are. I believe we are.

Barbara Lee (D. Oakland) has introduced an amendment to the recent 91 billion spending bill (HR 4939) that would block any funding for permanent bases. It is said that this amendment passed on a voice vote in the House. Let us watch what happens with respect to this amendment. It is quite possible that these four bases are already more or less finished (all those billions of dollars must have gone somewhere). We are also building the world's most expensive and fortified Embassy ever conceived in Bagdad. I guess we will just leave it to the mercy of the next Iraqi government (if there ever is one). Anyway, stay tuned.

Bush/Cheney continue to insist they are pleased with the "progress" that is being made in Iraq. Rumsfeld continues to deny there is a civil war (indeed, he seems bemused by the very idea there even could be such a civil war - he is either a liar or a fake or both). Allawi, the former Prime Minister of Iraq, says they are already in a civil war. Watch Rumsfeld, et al, start quibbling over the definition of civil war. How much longer will we put up with this idiocy? I can think of no other country in the world, nor any corporation of any kind, nor even any business of any kind, that would tolerate such total incompetence. Some 35% of Americans apparently continue to support these hopeless buffoons. Why? Oh, yeah, they want to protect us from abortions and gay marriages. Abortions are murder. Killing innocent Iraqi women and children is apparently just sport, like shooting pen raised pheasants and hunting companions.

Hasta la vista, baby. Make my day. Bring 'em on. Mission accomplished. You're either with us or against us. Dead or alive. Stay the course. Torture. Kill. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Bribe. Obfuscate. Stonewall. Ignore. It's the Republican way. Three cheers for the party in power! Party above all. Profit even above that. Sell us the rope so we can hang you.

President Warren Harding was not known for his use of the English language. When he died, E. E. Cummings wrote: "the only man, woman or child who could write a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors, has died." (I saw this somewhere on the web this morning).

I don't believe George W. Dimwit could even write a declartive sentence, errors or not. He certainly can't say one.

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