Thursday, February 23, 2006

Trust me?

This business of Dubai taking control of the management of six of our major ports seems to have struck raw nerves everywhere. With one exception Governors are not at all pleased, neither are many Senators and Congresspersons. There is lots of tough talk about stopping this deal. Want to bet it won't eventually be approved by the Republican controlled Senate and House?

It appears that Congress was not informed of the deal which has many upset. The deal was apparently consummated in private. Bush claims not to have known about it until just now but insists it is so important he may veto any attempt to stop it. Why would he do that? Could it be that the Bush family has ties with the powers that be in Dubai? No, of course not, even though they do. As usual, Bush says, "trust me." There is no reason to be concerned about security, he claims. The fact that two of the 9/11 terrorists came from Dubai, that the Emirate also had relations with Osama bin Laden, and apparently even funded his organization, seems not to matter to Bush. He can't seem to understand why anyone would be concerned, after all, these people are his friends.

He also seems not to understand there is a difference between England and the UAE with respect to this deal. Molly Ivens pointed out something that I was not aware of, namely, that the Corporation involved in taking over the ports is owned by the nation itself, so it is not just a private corporation like the British one that just sold out. As Molly rightly observes, where corporations are only motivated by profits, corporations owned by countries may well have other motivations. Bush, with his usual deception says, what's the difference between a British corporation managing our ports and an Arab one, completely obscuring this vitally important difference. Rove now generously allows how Bush might agree to a delay. Then they will no doubt try to sneak it through when no one is looking. All the tough talk by Senators and Congresspersons will simply be ignored and eventually forgotten - the same con once again. As usual it will be just talk, talk, and more talk, and no action whatsoever. King George rules equally over Democrats and Republicans alike.

Now the MSM suggests that Iraq may be on the verge of a civil war. Like, where have they been for the past few weeks. Iraq has been engaged in a civil war for quite a while even though no one has wanted to admit it. And even now the Administration wants you to believe it's not too serious and they can still all come together and form a viable government. There is no connection whatsoever between what the Administration wants you to believe and what is actually happening, and never has been. This entire Iraqi "adventure" has been nothing but a pack of outrageous lies from the very beginning and the lying continues endlessly. Iraq had weapons of mass destruction a lie. Iraq had ties with al Qaueda, a lie. We will not maintain a permanent presence in Iraq, a lie. Things are going well, a lie. We don't torture, a lie. It will only cost a couple of billion dollars, a lie. Iraqi oil will pay for it, a lie. We will be greeted as liberators with flowers, a lie. Apparently a majority of the American people think Bush should be impeached if he lied about taking us to "war." He lied. it is perfectly obvious he lied. So why isn't he being impeached? Clinton's lying about sex was impeachable but Bush's lying about taking us into "war" where thousands upon thousand of innocent people have been murdered is not impeachable? The United States under the present Administration is SICK! Republicans and Democrats in position of power and authority are SICK! Citizens who continue to put up with this are equally SICK!

The only explanation I can conceive of is that Americans, after decades of television and other mass media have developed small, smooth brains.

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