Monday, January 16, 2006

Does Larry Craig have a brain?

Larry Craig, our senior Idaho Senator, recently gave a speech in Boise (I assume to a bunch of other Republican morons) in which he assailed the "liberal mainstream media." If he believes in such a media he must be idiotic beyond belief. If he knows better but is just playing to his Idaho Republicans (who wouldn't know a liberal mainstream media from a potato disease) he is being totally dishonest. Of course for someone who still believes we are going to find WMD's in Iraq what more might you expect? Unfortunately, he does seem to represent the citizens of the State of Idaho (at least as they were back in 1850). He also railed against Democratic "expensive ideas," like universal health care and higher education. My god, why should we spend money on such ridiculous things when we have to spend more money on defense than all other nations on earth put together, to say nothing of our "war" in Iraq that is such a resounding success? Larry Craig is so out of touch with reality he will no doubt continue to represent Idaho until it remains the only Republican State in the Union. As well as the only place on earth that believes WMD's are still hidden in Iraq, Sadam was in cahoots with Osama, and the earth is flat as hell.

Al Gore gave an excellent speech today (on Cspan, as none of the liberal MSM were interested) in which he outlined the problem of growing Executive power in no uncertain terms. He made it crystal clear what the threat is to our Democracy and Constitution and called for a special Independent Investigation (fat chance, I guess). Can you believe that this good man, probably the most highly qualified candidate ever for the Presidency, was passed over for the utter moron that was anointed by the (dishonest partisan Supreme Court)? This has to be one of the greatest tragedies of all time. We are in truth experiencing a genuine Constitutional crisis. Always in the past Democracy has prevailed when encountering such crises. Can it do so again, or are we doomed to live under a dictatorship? As Gore made clear, it is up to us, the American people. I say IMPEACHMENT NOW! With war crimes trials to follow.

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